

孔景区导游词精简版 三孔的导游词1500字 篇1

double cease day, mom and dad is going to take my children to play in the park in yichang, i was very happy.

today, we all got up early. wash and dress up, ate breakfast, and set off. my mom and dad to sit for an hour of car, finally arrived yichang, my parents and i got off the bus saw the wide parking lot and parked inside the large and small car, walked to the parking lot outside, i see the broad road, the road with beautiful flowers, neat, sidewalk no garbage, clean.

we came to children's park gate, the center of the park with lots of the flowers, colorful, very beautiful; carries out my name on both sides of the trees, grown very lush, lush.

walk to the park, i saw pigeons at a glance, with white, black, pink... looking at a lot of children in there to feed the pigeons, i also. dad met, bought a bag of corn and gave it to my, i took a few, from corn bag in hand, a few dove coming towards me, with a sharp beak pecking at the corn son, i feel itchy, this is fun.

after feeding pigeons, we walked forward, suddenly, i saw a tall and big ferris wheel, i told mom and dad said: "i want to go to the ferris wheel, you can accompany me to play?"

"yes!" father said.

mother bought three tickets, before we go to the ferris wheel, have the staff took us to the trunk, we sat in the trunk, trunk up slowly, i looked in the window, "good high!" i called to get up, and i looked down on, see the lawn, a lot of people play on the lawn, trunk up to the highest, i can't look down, heart all quick to drop out, i grabbed my dad's hand tightly, afraid to fall, also good, trunk and slowly down, we walked out of the trunk, i could hardly stand, dizzy, but i think a lot of fun. i think: if again, i will also play the ferris wheel.

we also played sand painting, a balloon, bumper car... the park there are a lot of a lot of fun!

a day passed quickly, in the evening, i reluctantly left the park.

today is a happy day.

孔景区导游词精简版 三孔的导游词2100字 篇2

ladies and gentlemen!

hello everyone! my name is yiming. i'm your guide. today, i will take youto visit the "three confucius": confucius' mansion, confucius' temple andconfucius' forest.

sage confucius has a famous saying: "it's a pleasure to have friends fromafar." i'm very happy to be a tour guide. i will try my best to serve criticize and correct the shortcomings.

before visiting sankong, please allow me to introduce qufu. qufu is locatedat the junction of luzhong district and southwest plain of shandong province. libai, a great poet, once described qufu as "laughing and boasting of old friends,pointing to a desperate situation, with mountains and waters as green asorchids". now let's visit the confucius temple. confucius temple is located inthe center of qufu city. it is a charming building built by ancient people forthe great thought and broad spiritual quality of confucius. it covers an area of327.5 mu, with a length of 1 km from north to south. there are 466 buildings and54 gateways. in addition, there are more than 1700 ancient trees in the temple,one by one rushing into the sky. it is said that anyone who dares to cut downone will be beheaded. every tree, every door's name contains the thought ofconfucius' benevolence.

the confucius mansion is adjacent to the confucius temple. it is theresidence of the eldest son of the sage confucius. it has three roads and ninecourtyards. it has 463 buildings and a back garden, covering an area of 240 ius mansion, also known as "yansheng mansion". "yan sheng" means that"sheng dao" and "sheng yi" can reproduce and continue,

after entering the gate of confucius' mansion, there are three roads to theback of confucius' mansion. on the east road, there are yiguan hall, muen hall,confucius' family temple, etc.; on the west road, there are red calyx hall,zhongshu hall, anhuai hall, flower hall, etc.; on the middle road, there are themain buildings of confucius' mansion, the first half of which is the governmentoffice, and the second half is the inner house.

konglin is a special cemetery for the family of confucius, the oldest andlargest family cemetery in the world. it covers an area of more than 3000 surrounding walls are 3 meters high, 1.5 meters thick and 14.5 li are more than 100000 trees and hundreds of plants in the forest. among thetrees, there are many steles and statues, which are very spectacular.

now free activity for 3 hours, you can visit the "three holes" by yourself,you can also play games, picomics and other activities, but you must ensurehealth.

this is the end of the visit to "three holes".

孔景区导游词讲解 篇3









山东孔庙导游词讲解 三孔孔庙导游词 篇4









矗立在我们面前的大殿就是名扬天下的“大成殿”,它是中国的“三大殿”之一,与北京故宫的“太和殿”,泰山岱庙的“天贶殿”齐名,其雄伟壮丽有过之而无不及。殿高24.8米,阔45.78米,深24.8米,雕梁画栋,金壁辉煌,特别是周围28根石柱,为世界文化瑰宝,均以整石雕刻而成,前面10� 过去皇帝来了,都是将此柱用黄布围裹。他们若看见恐怕也会自惭不如。两侧及后廊的龙柱为浅浮雕,每柱72条龙,总共1296条。大成殿内供奉着孔子塑像,两侧为四配,东西是复圣颜回、述圣孔及,西面是宗圣曾参和亚圣孟子。再外是12哲。每年9月26日、9月28日,我们都在这里举行盛大的国际孔子文化节和孔子诞辰纪念仪式,表演大型祭孔乐舞和“箫韶乐舞”,举行丰富多彩的文化、旅游活动,欢迎各位到时光临。





介绍三孔的导游词 篇5























孔庙的东侧是孔府,是圣人孔子嫡长孙世袭的府第。始建于宋代,经历代不断扩建,形成现在的规模。占地200余亩,有房舍480余间。官衙和住宅建在一起,是一座典型的封建贵族庄园,衙 署大堂用于接受皇帝颁发的圣旨,或处理家族内事务。孔府后院有一座花园,幽雅清新,布局别具匠心,可称园林佳作,也是园宅结合的范例。孔府藏有大量的历史档案、传世文物,历代服饰和用具等,都及其珍贵。


孔林又称至圣林,在曲阜城北门外,占地3000亩,周围砖砌林墙长达14里,是圣人孔子和他的后代子孙们的家族墓地。孔林内柏桧夹道,进入孔林要经过1200米的墓道,然后穿过石牌坊、石桥、甬道、到达圣人孔子墓前。圣人孔子的坟墓封土高6米,墓东是圣人孔子之子孔鲤和他的孙子孔伋 的坟墓。在孔林中,有的墓前还存有石雕的华表、石人、石兽。这些都是依照墓中人当时被封爵位的品级设置的,整个孔林延用2520xx年,内有坟冢 十余万座。其延续时间之久,模葬之多,保存之完好,举世罕见。

介绍三孔的导游词 篇6

孔林,是孔子及其家庭的专用墓地,也是世界上延时最久、规模最大的家庭墓地,位于曲阜城北泗水之上,占地三千余亩,周围垣墙高3米,厚1.5米,长 14.5华里。在这里既可考春秋之葬,证秦汉之墓,又可研究我国历代政治、经济、文化的发展和丧葬风俗的演变历史。 孔林也是目前我国最大的人造园林。相传孔子死后,“弟子各以四方奇木来植,故多异树”。林内有各种树木10万多株,数百种植物。在万木掩映之中,碑石林 立,石像成群,除一批著名的汉碑移入孔庙保护外,林内尚有唐、宋、金、元、明、清各代石碑3600多块,又称得上名副其实的碑林。 过去墓地的“风 水”,被孔子的后代视作“命根子”。例如,清光绪三十年(1920xx年),勘测津浦铁路时,原计划经过曲阜,离孔林西墙很近。当时的衍圣公孔令贻得此消息十分着急,向朝廷连递几件呈文,说铁路将“震动圣墓”,“破坏圣脉”,使祖宗灵魂不得安宁。结果铁路到曲阜拐了个大弯,向西南绕行。如果没有这档子事,现在人们坐火车到曲阜游览,就不用先到兖州下车,然后改乘汽车了。

大门 孔林大门始建于明代,清代重修。进入孔林大门是一条长约1华里的甬道,迎面高大的门楼叫“观楼”,俗称“二林门”。此门原是古鲁国城北门。大门到二门这一段,是孔林前突出的部分,类似古代城市建筑的月城。

孔尚任墓 位于孔林东北隅,墓碑上书“奉直大夫户部广东清吏司员外郎东塘先生之墓”,即是孔尚任墓。孔尚任(1648--1720xx年),字聘之,号东塘,自称云亭山人,是孔子第六十四代孙,我国清初著名剧作家,其代表作是<<桃花扇>>。他出生书香门弟,因屡试不第,中年隐居曲阜石门山。康熙二十三年(1684年),康熙皇帝来曲阜祭孔时,他被孔府推荐为引驾官,并给皇帝讲经,深得褒奖,破格提升为国子监博士。赴京任职期间曾到淮杨一带治 河,通过吊古迹,访隐士,搜集野史逸闻,对南明王朝的覆灭经过有了深切的感受。回京后曾任户部主事,员外郎等职。公余致力于戏曲创作。1699年,昆曲名剧<<桃花扇>>传奇脱稿。王公显贵争相传抄,戏班竞相演唱,一时轰动京城。该剧以名士候方域与名妓李香君的爱情故事为主线,广泛而深刻地反映了南明王朝灭亡的历史。次年孔尚任却被罢官回乡,死后葬于此。他一生著述甚丰,另有诗文<<石门山集>>、 <<湖海集>>、<<岸堂文集>>等。

于氏坊 位于孔林北侧,是孔子七十二代孙、衍圣公孔宪培与其妻于氏之墓。于氏原是清乾隆皇帝的女儿,那 据说乾隆的女儿脸上有块黑痣,相术说,这块痣主灾,破灾的唯一办法是将她嫁给一个有福的人。朝里大臣们议论,天下只有孔圣人的后代最有福。但是当时是满族统治,按规定满汉不能通婚。于是有人给皇帝出主意将女儿认汉族大臣、户部尚书于敏忠为义父,这样以于家的名义嫁到孔府。于氏死后,孔府为其立了这座“鸾音褒德”牌坊。

洙水桥 孔林二门内有一条东西横穿的小河,名曰:“洙水河”,因流经孔子墓前,与“圣脉”攸关,故被后世誉为“灵源无穷,宜与天地共长久”的“圣水”。洙水本是古 代的一条河流,与泗水并称为“洙泗”,后� 古洙水早已湮没。河上有桥三座,左右皆为平桥,中间的一座拱桥在孔子墓前,名曰:“洙水桥”。

孔子墓甬道 洙水桥北迎面绿瓦三楹的高台大门,叫“档墓门”。过此门即是孔子墓甬道。甬道有四对巨型石雕,名曰:华表、文豹、角端、翁仲。华表又称“望柱”,是进“天 门”的标志。文豹形象似豹,腋下喷火,温顺善良。角端传说日行一万八千里,通四方语言,明外方幽远之事。文豹、角端都是想象中的怪兽。翁仲,传说为秦代骁将,威震边塞,后为对称,雕文、武两像,用以守墓。甬道尽头大殿是祭祀孔子设香坛的享殿。解放战争时,朱德总司令曾在此召开过军事会议,所以又成为革命历史文物。

孔子墓 享殿之后红色的墙院内就是孔子及其儿、孙三代的墓地。孔子墓似一隆起的马背,称“马鬣封”,是一种特殊尊贵的筑墓形式。墓前石碑篆刻“大成至圣文宣王墓” 是明正统八年(1443年)黄养正书。孔子于公元前479年去世,当时鲁国国君称他为“尼父”。这是有别于封号的最尊贵的称号。孔子有封号始于公元元年,汉平帝追封孔子为公爵,称“褒成宣尼公”。此后帝王纷纷给孔子封号,至唐开元二十七年(739年)唐玄宗李隆基给孔子谥号“文宣”,始称“文宣王”。到元 武帝于大德十一年(1020xx年)加封为“大成至圣文宣王”后又称“至圣先师”、“大成至圣先师”等等。历代王朝都为孔子的封号选择了最高的赞誉之词,可见孔子思想学说,对历代统治是何等重要。

孔子墓 这种墓葬布局为“携子抱孙”以示人衍兴旺。

孔鲤墓 孔子的儿子孔鲤,一生无大作为,年50岁先孔子去世。但因系“圣人”之 子,故被宋徽宗封为“泗水侯”。 子贡庐墓处 孔子墓西三间房屋为子贡庐墓处。子贡,复姓端木,名赐,字子贡,是孔子得意门生之一,也是孔子弟子中善于经商的学生。孔子死后,众弟子为孔子守墓三年,相诀而去,独子贡在此又守三年。后人为纪念此事,建屋三间,立碑一座,题为“子贡庐墓处”。

孔景区导游词精简版 三孔的导游词16800字 篇7

dear friends;

how do you do!

confucius said, "it's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar.". today,with this famous saying of confucius, i welcome you to visit qufu, confucius'hometown. i'm your local tour guide. i hope you can have a better understandingof the three confucius culture through my explanation. i hope you have a goodtime here and have a good time. before entering the scenic area, please allow meto give you a brief introduction of sankong scenic area and qufu. qufu islocated in the southwest of shandong province, with a population of 620000 and atotal area of 890 square kilometers. the word "qufu" first appeared in shao explained in the eastern han dynasty that there was a fu in the cityof lu, and weiqu was seven or eight li long, so it was named "qufu". the tourguide service of the association, in 1012 ad, was once renamed "xianyuan" countyto commemorate the birth of xuanyuan yellow emperor, the ancestor of the chinesenation. in the seventh year of emperor taizong's tianhui, it was also renamedqufu, and has been used since then.

wanren palace wall: now our location is just outside the south gate of theancient city of qufuming, which is called wanren palace wall. there are four bigcharacters "wanren palace wall" right above the gate. "ren" is an ancient unitof length, one ren is about 8 feet, equivalent to 1.6 meters now. it is saidthat some people praised confucius' disciple zigong for his knowledge. afterhearing that, zigong said, "human knowledge is like a palace wall. my knowledgeis only as high as the top of the wall. but confucius, my teacher, has severalwalls. if you don't find its door, you can't see the beauty of the temple in thewall.". in order to show his worship of confucius, emperor qianlong of qingdynasty ordered people to hang the four characters "wanren palace wall" on thewall.

1、 confucius temple

overview of confucius temple: confucius temple is a temple dedicated toconfucius, a thinker, statesman and educator in our country during the springand autumn period,

confucius temple is the largest and oldest one. it has become one of thethree ancient buildings in china along with the forbidden city and summerresort. the temple is 1130 meters long, 168 meters wide from east to west,covering an area of 150000 square meters. the whole complex is divided into ninecourtyards arranged symmetrically. there are five halls, one ancestral temple,one pavilion, one altar, two verandas, two halls, 17 stele pavilions, 53gatehouses, a total of 466. the building area is about 16000 square ius temple is known as "solitary example" in the history of worldarchitecture. it integrates history, architectural culture, art, calligraphy,stone carvings and ancient tombs. it is the crystallization of the wisdom ofancient laborers in our country. it is a precious historical and culturalheritage. in 1961, it was announced as the first batch of cultural relicsprotection units by the state council. in 1994, it was listed as a worldcultural heritage by unesco. in 20__, it was listed as a national 5a touristattraction.

"jinshengyuzhen" square: it is the first gate square of confucius was built in the 17th year of jiajing reign of ming dynasty. it is 5.6 metershigh and 13.5 meters long, with octagonal columns. on the top of the column,there is a armored animal guarding against heaven and evil. on the lintel, theinscription "jin sheng yu zhen" is written by hu zuanzong, a great calligrapherof the ming dynasty. the four words "jin sheng yu zhen" come from mencius. usingthe meaning of mencius, it expresses confucius' consummate knowledge, just likethe whole process of playing music, which is complete from beginning to t music begins with the ringing of a bell and ends with the striking of achime. praising confucius for his learning is like the sound of gold and sound of gold is the sound of a bell, indicating the beginning, and thesound of jade is the sound of a chime, indicating the end. this is also thesource of the idiom "doing things from beginning to end". "two cypresses bearone hole": passing yuzhenfang, this single hole stone arch bridge is called"panshui bridge", which is connected with the water in the pan pool beside thepalace, so it is called "pan water". in the past, when i read the book ofconfucius and mencius, i was admitted to higher education, which is called"entering hope". officials hope to be promoted, do business, hope to get rich,and live a prosperous life. there is an ancient cypress on both sides of thebridge, so it is called "two cypresses bear one hole". after the bridge, thereare two stone tablets on the east and west, which are engraved with "officialsand people waiting to dismount here", and called "dismounting stele". in thepast, civil and military officials and common people passed by, so they had todismount and get off the sedan chair to show their respect for confucius."lingxing gate": this gate is called "lingxing gate". it was built in the mingdynasty. "lingxingmen" was inscribed by qianlong. there are two or eight starsin the sky, and the one in charge of culture is called "lingxing", also known aswenqu star. connecting confucius with the star in charge of culture in the skyis enough to prove that confucius' culture stone is the highest. the ancientsworshipped the heaven, first of all, they worshipped wenqu star. there is asaying that respecting confucius is like respecting heaven. you see, the squareis 10.34 meters high and 13 meters wide. the columns are cut up and down. theintersection of the two sections is supported by a strong stone column. on thehead of the column are the portraits of the four heavenly kings, and in themiddle are the pearls of fire. it means that the door is protected by gate was rebuilt from wood to iron beams and stone columns.

dazhongmen: dazhongmen is the main gate of the confucius temple in the songdynasty. it was rebuilt in the qing dynasty. the three words "dazhongmen" wereinscribed by emperor qianlong. its original name was gonghemen, and later it wasrenamed dazhongmen. the large and medium-sized facade is extended to 5 rooms,which is a single eaves building on the top of the mountain. on the one hand, wecan see the continuous expansion of confucius temple, on the other hand, we cansee the historical evolution of confucius temple.

chenghua stele: the chenghua stele we see now is the most famous one in theconfucius temple, which was set up by zhu jianshen, the emperor of chenghua inthe ming dynasty. there are two things that have attracted the attention of yourcelebrities. first, chenghua tablet's regular script is well written,standardized, exquisite and attractive; the second is the highest evaluation ofconfucius. emperors of all dynasties have commented on confucius. the highestevaluation is emperor chenghua. he compares confucius' ideas and methods toeating, dressing and spending money. one day is inseparable from them. withconfucius' principles and methods, one can make the best use of one's talents,materials and land. otherwise, it will be a mess. it is said that if there isconfucius' way, there will be a world. if there is no confucius' way, there willbe no world. if there is anti confucius' way, there will be no world.

tongwenmen: take the meaning of tongwenmen. that is to say, only withconcerted efforts and unity can we do a good job; the writing should be unified,only with unified writing can we record the experience of historicalcommunication, and random writing will lead to confusion. tongwen gate is animportant barrier in front of kuiwen pavilion.

kuiwen pavilion: the wooden structure building in front of us is called"kuiwen pavilion". originally known as the library, kuiwen pavilion is a placefor collecting the secretary of the emperor. it was first built in the songdynasty. there are seven rooms on three floors. this magnificent building ismade entirely of wood, without riveting. like building blocks, it has become an"isolated example" in the history of chinese architecture. after severalearthquakes, "kuiwenge" was not destroyed. during the reign of kangxi, there wasa great earthquake in qufu, "houses in the world are nine, but there is one".however, kuiwenge stands upright and safe, which shows the wisdom and superbarchitectural art of the ancient working people in our country.

thirteen stele pavilions: now we enter the sixth courtyard of confuciustemple. there are 13 stele pavilions and 55 steles. they were established intang, song, yuan, ming and qing dynasties. most of the inscriptions are writtenin chinese, ba si ba and manchu, which are records of the emperor's posthumoustitle and seal, temple worship and temple renovation. in order to show himself,the qing emperor built the stele pavilion in front of it, which led to theappearance of courtyard. this kind of architecture structure is called"intrigue" in ancient architecture. there are eight steles in the south and fivesteles in the north. eight in the south and five in the north, so it is calledthe thirteen stele pavilion. because they were all stele pavilions approved bythe emperor, it is also called "imperial stele pavilion".

dachengmen: now we enter dachengmen, "dachengmen" refers to dachengmen,which was rebuilt by fire in the qing dynasty. the three characters ofdachengmen were inscribed by emperor yongzheng of the qing dynasty.

master hand planted cypress: the cypress tree in dachengmen was planted byconfucius. according to records, confucius once planted three trees here, andthen two died. this tree withered three times and thrived three times. there isalso a saying that "when the cypress tree grows more and more, the kong familygrows more and more.". the five characters of "the first teacher planted cypressby hand" were written by yang guangxun, a talented man in wanli period of mingdynasty. apricot altar: the "apricot altar" in front of us was built in the songdynasty to commemorate confucius' lectures. it is said that confucius taught tohis disciples under the big apricot tree on the platform. because there areapricot trees around here, it is called "apricot altar". in the pavilion ofxingtan, there are two steles. on the front of one stele is engraved the"xingtan fu" written by emperor qianlong when he first came to qufu, which isregular script. on the back is the running script inscribed by emperor qianlongwhen he came to xingtan for the second time. dacheng hall: the hall standing infront of us is the world-famous "dacheng hall". it is one of the "three mainhalls" in china. it is as famous as the "taihe hall" in the forbidden city inbeijing and the "tianfu hall" in the dai temple in taishan mountain. itsmagnificence is more than it can be. the hall is 24.8 meters high, 45.78 meterswide and 24.8 meters deep, with carved beams and painted buildings. the goldenwall is brilliant, especially the 28 stone pillars around it. they are all worldcultural treasures. they are all carved with whole stones. the front 10 are deepreliefs, with two dragons playing with pearls on each pillar. they are coiledand rising, lifelike, powerful and varied. in the past, when the emperor came,the kong family wrapped the column in yellow cloth. i'm afraid they'll beashamed if they see it. the dragon pillars on both sides and the back porch arebas reliefs, with 72 dragons per pillar, a total of 1296. there is a statue ofconfucius in the dacheng hall. every year, on september 26 and 28, we hold agrand international confucius culture festival and a ceremony to commemorate thebirth of confucius. we perform large-scale music and dance for confucius and"xiao shao music and dance" and hold a variety of cultural and tourismactivities. welcome to our time. two verandahs: the houses on the east and westsides of dacheng hall are called "two verandahs", which are places where thelater generations worship the sages and scholars. most of the worthy confuciansare famous figures in the later confucian school. in the tang dynasty, therewere only more than 20 people. by the time of the republic of china, there were156 people. these people were originally portraits. in the jin dynasty, theywere statues. in the chenghua period of the ming dynasty, they were all woodentablets with names on them, and they were consecrated in shrines. now there arestone carvings of all ages on display in the two verandas.

bedroom hall: turn back along the corridor of dacheng hall, then you cometo the bedroom hall. the bedchamber is a place for offering sacrifices toconfucius' wife. it is the third largest building of confucius ius' wife was born in song dynasty in the late spring and autumn guan, who had a compound surname, married confucius at the age of 19. he wasa good wife and mother and died seven years before confucius. he was honored as"the lady of the supreme sage". enjoy sacrifice as confucius. there are 28 stonepillars carved with phoenix. each pillar is carved with 72 phoenix, the samenumber as the dragon. so it's called "long feng cheng xiang"

yuhonglou legal stickers: the 572 "yuhonglou legal stickers" displayed hereare descendants of confucius in the qianlong period of the qing dynasty.

kong jisu collected the handwriting of the famous calligraphers of the pastdynasties and copied it. these stone carvings were originally placed in theyuhong building of the "twelve fu" in qufu. they were moved to the confuciustemple in 1951 and displayed in 1964. they are of great artistic value forcalligraphy lovers.

temple of miracles: the last building of confucius temple. it was built inthe wanli period of the ming dynasty and was presided over by the censor hechuguang. there are 120 paintings and stone carvings in the hall, which reflectthe main activities and remarks of confucius' life. it is the first stonecarvings with complete character stories in our country.

2、 confucius mansion

front hall building of confucius' mansion: it is the place where confucius'76th generation grandson kong lingyi and his wife live. here you can experiencethe living room of the royal palace of the feudal dynasty. the existing qiantangbuilding was rebuilt in the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty, witheast and west buildings on both sides. it was built in the qing dynasty. hung inthe middle of the hall are four big characters written by kong lingyi, whichmeans that the kong family will remain prosperous and vigorous forever.

confucius' mansion: adjacent to the confucius temple, it is the residenceof confucius' eldest son and grandson. it has three roads, nine courtyards andconfucius' mansion, also known as "yansheng mansion". "yan sheng" means that"sheng dao" and "sheng yi" can be inherited from generation to generation. largescale construction was carried out in the qing dynasty. this is the confucianmansion, which is a typical building in our feudal society.

confucius' greedy wall: there is a unicorn shaped animal on the door ofconfucius' house called "greedy". it is said that this animal is very viciousand can swallow gold and silver. although it is full of treasures at its feetand around, it is still not satisfied and wants to eat the sun in the sky. it isreally "greedy". in the past, confucius painted greedy paintings here, and youcan see them when you go out it is also a warning to our children andgrandchildren not to be corrupt and pervert the law.

hall: it is the place where emperor yan read the imperial edict, metofficials, tried cases, and held ceremonies on festivals and birthdays. itdisplays the first-class nobility. on the north side of the wall, those goldlettered signs on a red background are the symbols of nobility and privilege,commonly known as "eighteen cloud tiles". with these brands, yan shenggong hasbeen able to travel freely in beijing.

second hall: it was the place where yan shenggong met with officials abovegrade four and was entrusted by the emperor to take the examination of rites andmusic for the imperial court every year. there are seven royal steles in thehouse, including the stele of "fu shou" written by emperor daoguang of the qingdynasty, the character of "shou" written by the kind empress dowager and thepicture of pine and crane.

third hall: also known as the retreat hall, is the place where yanshenggong deals with family disputes and punishes servants in the house. theplaque of "six generations of han yi" hanging in the middle of the house waswritten by emperor qianlong. at that time, six generations of confucius lived inthe same hall. this plaque means that the six generations lived in harmony andhad a happy life.

inner house gate: after the three halls, it is the inner house part ofconfucius' mansion, also known as inner house courtyard. the inner door isseparated from the outside. this gate is heavily guarded and no one is allowedto enter without permission. the emperor of qing dynasty specially granted threepairs of weapons, namely huwei stick, yanyi boring and jintou jade stick. thegatekeeper stood in front of the door with weapons, and those who disobeyed theorders were punished severely. on the west side of the door, there is a specialwater tank, shiliu, which is exposed outside the wall. according to theregulations of the government, the water bearer is not allowed to enter theinner house, but only pour the water into the inner wall of the tank to flowinto the inner house.

front upper room: it is the living room for the master of confucius toreceive his close relatives and jinzhi people. it is also the main place forthem to hold family banquets and weddings and funerals. the room is decoratedwith gorgeous furnishings, cultural relics and antiques.

houtanglou: the residence of kongdecheng, the seventy seventh generation ofconfucius. kong decheng was born in 1920. less than two months after he wasborn, he was appointed by the then president xu shichang as the emperor ofxifeng. in 1935, he was awarded the title of "the most holy and venerableofficial of dacheng" by nanjing national government. she married ms. sun qifangin 1936. most of the time after that, he was in chongqing and nanjing with thenational government, and moved from nanjing to chinese taiwan on the eve of theliberation of the mainland in 1949.

back garden of confucius mansion: it was built in the 16th year of hongzhiin ming dynasty. after three major repairs, it covers an area of more than 50mu. in the jiaqing period of the qing dynasty, when kong qingfei, the 73rdgeneration grandson of confucius, rebuilt the garden, he placed several largeiron ores in it, so it was also called "iron mountain garden". among them, "fivecypress baohuai" is a cypress tree in the middle and a sophora tree around, soit is called five cypress baohuai. it's a wonder in the garden. it symbolizesthe confucius family's family life of mutual love, mutual assistance and mutualaid for hundreds of years.

3、 kong lin

kong lin: it is the cemetery of confucius and his family. it is the longestand largest family cemetery in the world. konglin is located on the northernsurabaya of qufu city, covering an area of 3000 mu. there are four types ofchinese classical architecture: palace, garden, mausoleum and temple. theconfucius temple in confucius' mansion embodies the characteristics of palaceand garden temple, while the confucius forest is a kind of mausoleum and ius temple and confucius mansion show the profundity of confucius thoughtand the solemnity of your family. kong lin embodies the glory of confucius andhis descendants after their death. since confucius was buried with his wife,people planted trees for the beginning of confucius forest. after more than twothousand years of continuous expansion of more than 70 belts, a large area ofkong family cemetery kong lin was gradually formed.

shinto: out of the north gate of fucheng, there is a road leading toguling, so you call it konglin shinto. in the ancient concept, shinto was thechannel sent by the gods when confucius accepted the sacrifice. the whole shintois paved with green stones, and the ancient cypresses are arranged on both sidesof the shinto until the door of konglin. they come in different shapes,

介绍三孔的导游词 篇8









出寝宫向北,为岱庙的最后一进院落。东西两座花园内各种盆景千姿百态,艺术地再现了泰山的一景一物,奇花异草。西南方西台上的铁塔铸于明嘉靖十二年(公元1533年),原为13级,现仅存3级,造型质朴,仍不失当年风采,与铁塔对峙的东南方台基上的铜亭,又称“金阙”,为全铜铸造,仿木结构,高4.4米,阔3.4,明万历四十三年(公元1620xx年)铸于岱顶碧霞� 明末清初移于山下灵应宫,1972年迁入岱庙,是目前国内仅存的三大铜亭之一。


