


What is a great book? There is no end to the making of books. Nor does there seem to be any end to the making lists of great books. There has always be more books than one could read. You can be happy at the fact that the number of that is relatively small.

However,today,people usually leave it in the library. According to the national reading survey issued by The China Academy of Press and Publication, in 2012, only 55% Chinese aged between18 and 70 book read books .That is to say, there are more than forty percent of the people seldom read in China.

It is a great challenge to literature. As a educated student,have you insist on reading great books. In order to change the situation ,we must take actions to read great books.

In Adler’s essay of What is A Great Book, he explain why we should read great books. I conclude it as follows.

First,great books are the most readable. They will not let you down ,if you read them well. The have more ideas per page than most books in the their entirety. This is why you can read a great book over and over again and never exhaust it contents.

Second ,great books are always contemporary,in contrast to the books we called contemporary,because they are currently popular ,last for a year or tow,or ten at most. You may probably can not recall the names of many earlier best sellers,and you may probably would not be interest in reading them. But the great are never out modeled by the movement of thought or the shifting winds of opinion .

Third ,great books are the most instructive. This follows the fact that they are original communications. They contain what cannot be found in other books. Whether you ultimately agree or disagree what they say. They are the primary teachers of mankind. They have made basic contribution to human right .

Just giving you the reason is not enough, I will give you some methods to realize you reading dream.

Firstly,you can begin with a interesting novel. You will be attracted by the figures,the plots .Than ,after reading a lot of books ,you may be get into a habit of reading. So,you can contact with some complex books,such as philosophy ,arts and so on. You will be shocked at the new world.

There are countless great books in our library,you must make great advantage of it. Of course ,it is a better choice to buy great books. Collecting books is a enjoyable thing,at least for me. So,reading great books. The new world is coming.


good morning ladies and gentlemen. today i’m very glad to be here with you to share my stories and opinions about reading. i love reading from the bottom of my heart. and i do learn a lot from books. i know the wonderful stories of great heroes in history, secrets of nature, mysteries of ufo and our universe. to me , books are like a faithful friend, always around me , giving me enjoyment and wisdom. i remember when i was in primary school, ten or eleven years old, my father borrowed some books from the library in his school. those were among the greatest works of the world, including abrabian nights、the legend of deification, journey to the west, and the romance of the three kingdoms. these books were all written in

ancient chinese characters but i tried to read the heavy books and were deeply attracted. from then on, i spared every minute to read whatever i could get. whenever i got a new book, i kept reading until i finished it despite time and place. i read books even in class or just a few minutes before the exams. in my mind, there is always an unforgettable scene: lying in bed, nervous but excited, my friend and i read a book together in the weak light of a flashlight , with a quilt on us, in order not to be blamed by parents. all my classmates thought i was crazy and gave me a nickname “bookworm”. so you can understand why i got my eyes shortsighted.

till now, i still like reading as i used to. and i’m very

pleased to see that my ten-year-old son loves reading just like me. i have bought him many books. whenever you come into my home, you can find books in every corner. but the place where my son and i enjoy reading most is in the toilet. so it often happens in the morning: one is in the toilet reading something comfortably, while another

walking outside , shouting. for my age, i like to read magazines or short stories to get relaxation as well as inspiration.

today we live in a world of prosperity. never before have we

faced so many temptation from the outside world. never before have we had so many chances to enjoy our lives. we drive rather than walking; we go online to chat with people we’ve never met before instead of talking to friends around us. but there’s always something that cannot be replaced and forgotten., such as books. so i will allow myself to continue the journey in the ocean of books until the very end of my life.

finally, i’d like to end my speech with a great philosopher, writer and thinker, francis bacon’s famous saying: reading makes a full man. studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. thank you very much.




Which Is More Important: Knowledge from Books or

Knowledge from Experience

As we know, most knowledge we have comes from two sources: the books or personal experience in our daily life. Each one has its advantage. Maybe some people think that book knowledge is more important than experience knowledge. However, I am strongly against their opinion. I consider that experience is more useful.

Firstly, practical experience can help us find jobs successful. There are two kinds of people: experienced employees and college graduates, if you are a manager, which one do you prefer? There is no doubt that you will choose the experienced employees. Because they have more practical knowledge, they understand what their companies needs and how to make profit for their companies. Some college graduates have learned much book knowledge, but they can’t take advantage of these theories effectively. Therefore, many companies are not willing to employ graduates. This phenomenon tells us experience is more important for us to find good jobs.

Secondly, experience can give us more impressed knowledge. It’s said that one learn by doing, if you want to make advances, it’s necessary to practice. Moreover, we learn how to get along with others or how to have self-respect from experience. We feel happy and sorrow directly from experience. The precious knowledge absolutely can’t get from books.

Thirdly, our country’s development depends on innovation, which comes from experimentation. Comparing Chinese education system with American’s, we know that Chinese education usually pay more attention to scores students get and neglect their ability of innovation. On the contrary, American education emphasizes personal practice, that’s the reason why the progress of American technology is so rapid. The contrast reminds us of the importance of experience knowledge.

Needless to say both learning sources have their own advantages. But in my opinion, experience knowledge is more important, because without practical experience, it’s impossible to get a real understanding of book knowledge, and to know how to apply this knowledge to real situations.


Everyone have dreams, which are everybody yearning. The man who without dreams

每个人都有梦想, 它是人人所渴望的。 没有梦想的人

in his life will be empty, but dreams always be changing as your thought go forward.

的人生将是空白的, 但梦想总是随着你思想的前进而改变的。

When I was in primary school, I had a dream. I hope that I won't have homework 当我小学时, 我有一个梦想。我希望将来有一天可以没有有家庭作业。 to do one day. But the time we can play have became less and less, and 1/3 in our 可玩耍的时间变得越来越少, 而我们一天中的三分之一 day we were imprisoned in the classroom, so many time on study! And till I come 被禁锢在教室, 太多时间在学习上。 直到我上 to the junior high school, I had a dream, I hope I can become a good child,I can 初中 我有一个梦想,我希望自己能成为一个好孩子;

be praised by my family when I return home;can be sure by teachers at school; and 回到家能受到家人的表扬; 在学校能受到老师们的肯定;

can have a outstanding performance among the classmates .So shortly afterwards, ;在同学之间能有出众的表现。 所以不久后,

I had learned to struggle. However, at my high school, every day is bustling, 我学会了奋斗。 然而, 上了高中后, 每天都是忙忙碌碌的, Sometimes bad temper is too strong to be controlled ,but life made me understand 有时候坏脾气是如此强烈以至于不能被控制, 但生活让我

the truth to conduct myself slowly。Fortunately, I worked hard, every day 慢慢懂得做人的道理。 幸运的是, 我会努力,每一天

I got up early and went to bed late, grasp myself and never lighten up. 我都在为了梦想而起早赶晚, 把握自己不再松散。

All day,all the time, I am searching hardly, and fight for a bright future. 每一天, 甚至每一刻 , 我都苦苦探索, 为了光明的未来而奋斗。 With the dream, chase turned up, with the goal, power turned up. Dream, is a

有了梦想,也就有了追求; 有了目标,就有了动力。 梦想,是一架 high bridge, regardless of whether it can reach the other shore。 To process dreams, 高高的桥梁,不管最终是否能到达彼岸,拥有梦想,

and to pursue them, try to make them come true ,this is a kind of success, a 并去追求它,努力使其实现, 这已经是一种成功,

kind of glory. In the process of the pursuit of dreams ,we are growing up!! 一种荣耀。 在追梦这个过程中, 我们是在成长的。

Dreams can urge people make progress endlessly, perhaps in this road ,we will 梦想会催人不断前进, 也许在这条道路中,我们将会meet many difficulties and frustrations, but never mind, Where you fall down, 遇到无数的挫折和困难, 但没关系, 在哪里跌倒

is where you should stand up, for your dream and future! After all, the future 就在哪里爬起来, 为自己的梦想和未来, 毕竟, 前途 not only rely on luck, also depend on our own.

不仅靠运气, 也靠我们自己。

Friends, let us work together! Because I believe that no pain no gain!!

朋友,让我们一起努力吧!因为我相信no pain no gain!


Speaking of reading, many people are excited because reading brings them both knowledge and entertainment。 By reading, we can learn lots of information and know our history。 But for some people, reading is not their priority。 They will choose to watch movies to have fun。 However, I think people can benefit a lot by reading。


First of all, reading can let us know what have happened in history。 Since history is recorded in books, if we read books, then we can not only what have happened in history but also we can better understand the great figures of the age。


Secondly, reading can enrich our knowledge。 By reading, we can know different kinds of things, how things happen and how to avoid bad things from happening。 Books record a wide range of things about life。 Through reading, we can know various aspects of life。


Thirdly, reading teaches us skills。 There are so many books about how to learn a certain language, how to get a good job, how to bee popular in your circle, how to cook and so on。 Thus, these kinds of books can make us more skillful if we do a certain thing。


All in all, we can find lots of benefits through reading。


