

百万英镑读后感 篇1






百万英镑电影观后感 篇2





百万英镑观后感 篇3









《百万英镑》读后感 篇4







《百万英镑》读后感 篇5



比如,有一个捡垃圾的老爷爷天天捡大量臭哄哄的垃圾,应该是很艰难的维持自己生计的一位老人。很多人看不起他,给他开带有恶意的的玩笑。一次我们小学生为汶川的小朋友捐钱,这时我看到这位老爷爷也奋力挤到捐款的现场,很很困难的从兜里拿出一张皱巴巴的十元钱投到捐款箱里 什么话也没说就走了。

我看到这一幕是鼻子立刻酸酸的。他捐的钱虽然不多,却弥足珍贵。还有一次我在新闻看到兰考县的一位在医院门口卖水果的普通妇女,在十几年里收养了一百多个被遗弃在医院门口的有残疾的弃婴。可后来因为家里失火烧死了7个孩子而被起诉。但她依然值得我们尊敬。因为她毕竟救了100多个孩子的命啊。合上书以后,我由衷的感叹 马克‘吐温真是一位伟大的作家,我向他致敬。

《百万英镑》读后感 篇6






百万英镑电影英语观后感 篇7

Adams was ragged and unknown before he got a million dollars. This dress made him suffer discrimination and ridicule in American legacies, small restaurants and clothing stores. A seven foot man, overwhelmed by money, wants to cry without tears. But when he showed the million dollar bill that was actually not convertible, almost everyone's attitude towards him immediately changed a hundred and eighty degrees.

From ridicule to flattery, people do not care who he is, but whether he is the holder of millions of dollars. Adams became a hot celebrity in the news and social circles. This unknown outsider even occupied the duke's senior suite. The duke was so unhappy that he hid Adams's millions of dollars in a mischievous way. The whole plot of the film is pushed into the most dramatic part. After losing millions of dollars, Adams immediately changed from the most beloved and trusted person to an abominable villain and liar. Whether he holds millions of dollars or not makes his life go up and down. Once they found that he no longer held millions of dollars, people in small restaurants, large hotels, and clothing stores immediately came to him with bills and brazenly took away what they had promised him permanent credit, revealing snobbery and philistinism. This is a wonderful satire on money worship. In a more dramatic scene, when Adams's million dollar bill was lost and recovered, the attitude of people around him changed immediately. He became the most beloved and trusted person again. Adams, in English, means human. In the film, the moral is very clear. Money has become the master of people. It can not only determine a person's status, but also determine a person's personality.

Millions of banknotes undoubtedly represent capital, but it is not as simple as currency in the general sense as a general equivalent. From beginning to end, millions of the money in Adams's hands were all symbols of the capital, and did not perform function of the commodity exchange. Whether in small restaurants, large hotels, or clothing stores, Adams, as the holder of millions of dollars, did not actually pay for goods during meals, accommodation, shopping, or even charity auctions. When he borrowed money from the minister, he did not pledge the million note, but relied entirely on the minister's trust in him, or in other words, his ability to repay money because he held the million note. This trust is more exaggerated in stock trading. When Hastings bought the "Good Hope" stock in the name of Adams, he was immediately followed by the enthusiasm of the shareholders. When it was reported in the newspaper that Adams no longer held millions of dollars, the people who bought the stock crazily sold it again. When the person who suffered losses due to the sharp decline of the stock price made an accusation to Adams, although Adams strongly guaranteed that the gold mine he invested in was worth continuing to invest, no one believed his words. Obviously, the reason why Adams is loved and trusted by people comes from the halo effect of his millions of banknote holders. When Adams was fighting with the critics, the Duke, who felt that the joke had gone too far, returned the millions of banknotes he had hidden to Adams. Adams, whose reputation and credit plummeted, miraculously regained everything he had lost again.

This very ironic scene shows that the capital occupier itself has a pitiful side. People love and trust him only because of the capital he owns, not because of himself. In reality, when a person is rich, his relatives and friends will worship him as a god; And when he has no money, he will be abandoned as my shoes. Such things are not uncommon. We say that the reason why millions of dollars have great magic power on people is not because it has use value, but symbol value. Its role in the film is closer to a credit card with unlimited overdraft limit and no repayment period. It was with this "credit card" that Adams was allowed to charge freely in taverns, hotels and clothing stores.

The most obvious difference between use value and symbolic value is that use value is based on reality, while symbolic value is based on imagination. For example, when we buy purified water today, the priority is the use value; When buying wine, the priority is symbolic value. The symbolic value of goods is most obvious in watches and jewelry, followed by mobile phones and cars. What price watches and jewelry a person wears, and what brand of mobile phones and cars he uses will bring him unlimited imagination. The halo effect produced by the symbolic value often makes people dizzy. And then affect our true judgment of a person.

Just like the prince saw the dancing girl wearing crystal shoes, he would take it for granted that she was a princess. Similarly, if the prince appears as a frog, people will not think he is a prince. In the consumer landscape society we live in, people are almost buying a large number of non practical goods as much as possible to highlight the life level that is incompatible with their consumption ability. The emergence of credit cards can not only temporarily alleviate the lack of purchasing power, but also stimulate people's greater desire to shop. However, like Adams in the film, if he fails to return the magic "credit card" in time, the consequences will be unimaginable. The symbolic value of commodities can only bring temporary halo effect to people, just like the reflection of the moon, it will not last forever. Just like Adams, it's better to give up the vanity and live a real life.

百万英镑电影观后感 篇8




