

英文版童话之The Black Cat 篇1

You are not going to believe this story. But it is a true story, as true as I sit here writing it—as true as I will die in the morning. Yes, this story ends with my end, with my death tomorrow.

I have always been a kind and loving person—everyone will tell you this. They will also tell you that I have always loved animals more than anything. When I was a little boy, my family always had many different animals round the house. As I grew up, I spent most of my time with them, giving them their food and cleaning them.

I married when I was very young, and I was happy to find that my wife loved all of our animal friends as much as I did. She bought us the most beautiful animals. We had all sorts of birds, gold fish, a fine dog and a cat.

The cat was a very large and beautiful animal. He was black, black all over, and very intelligent. He was so intelligent that my wife often laughed about what some people believe; some people believe that all black cats are evil, enemies in a cat's body.

Pluto—this was the cat's name—was my favourite. It was always I who gave him his food, and he followed me everywhere. I often had to stop him from following me through the streets! For years, he and I lived happily together, the best of friends.

But during those years I was slowly changing. It was that evil enemy of Man called Drink who was changing me. I was not the kind, loving person people knew before. I grew more and more selfish. I was often suddenly angry about unimportant things. I began to use bad language, most of all with my wife. I even hit her sometimes. And by that time, of course, I was often doing horrible things to our animals. I hit all of them—but never Pluto. But, my illness was getting worse—oh yes, drink is an illness! Soon I began to hurt my dear Pluto too.

I remember that night very well. I came home late, full of drink again. I could not understand why Pluto was not pleased to see me. The cat was staying away from me. My Pluto did not want to come near me! I caught him and picked him up, holding him strongly. He was afraid of me and bit my hand.

Suddenly, I was not myself any more. Someone else was in my body: someone evil, and mad with drink! I took my knife from my pocket, held the poor animal by his neck and cut out one of his eyes.

The next morning, my mind was full of pain and horror when I woke up. I was deeply sorry. I could not understand how I could do such an evil thing. But drink soon helped me to forget.

Slowly the cat got better. Soon he felt no more pain. There was now only an ugly dry hole where the eye once was. He began to go round the house as usual again. He never came near me now, of course, and he ran away when I went too close.

I knew he didn't love me any more. At first I was sad. Then, slowly, I started to feel angry, and I did another terrible thing 。 。 。

I had to do it—I could not stop myself. I did it with a terrible sadness in my heart—because I knew it was evil. And that was why I did it—yes! I did it because I knew it was evil. What did I do? I caught the cat and hung him by his neck from a tree until he was dead.

That night I woke up suddenly—my bed was on fire. I heard people outside shouting, 'Fire! Fire!' Our house was burning! I, my wife and our servant were lucky to escape. We stood and watched as the house burned down to the ground.

There was nothing left of the building the next morning. All the walls fell down during the night, except one - a wall in the middle of the house. I realized why this wall did not burn: because there was new plaster on it. The plaster was still quite wet.

I was surprised to see a crowd of people next to the wall. They were talking, and seemed to be quite excited. I went closer and looked over their shoulders. I saw a black shape in the new white plaster. It was the shape of large cat, hanging by its neck.

I looked at the shape with complete horror. Several minutes passed before I could think clearly again. I knew I had to try to think clearly. I had to know why it was there.

I remembered hanging the cat in the garden of the house next door. During the fire the garden was full of people. Probably, someone cut the dead cat from the tree and threw it through the window—to try and wake me. The falling walls pressed the animal's body into the fresh plaster. The cat burned completely, leaving the black shape in the new plaster. Yes, I was sure that was what happened.

But I could not forget that black shape for months. I even saw it in my dreams. I began to feel sad about losing the animal. So I began to look for another one. I looked mostly in the poor parts of our town where I went drinking. I searched for another black cat, of the same size and type as Pluto.

One night, as I sat in a dark and dirty drinking-house, I noticed a black object on top of a cupboard, near some bottles of wine. I was surprised when I saw it. 'I looked at those bottles a few minutes ago,' I thought, 'and I am sure that object was not there before 。 。 。'

I got up, and went to see what it was. I put my hand up, touched it, and found that it was a black cat - a very large one, as large as Pluto. He looked like Pluto too - in every way but one: Pluto did not have a white hair anywhere on his body; this cat had a large white shape on his front.

He got up when I touched him, and pressed the side of his head against my hand several times. He liked me. This was the animal I was looking for! He continued to be very friendly and later, when I left, he followed me into the street. He came all the way home with me— we now had another house - and came inside. He immediately jumped up on to the most comfortable chair and went to sleep. He stayed with us, of course. He loved both of us and very soon he became my wife's favourite animal.

英文童话故事 篇2

In the past, the little white rabbit's body and eyes were brown, and all the people looked down upon them, but they were very united, and there was no one in the family who did not know each other. But they were so afraid of humans that they lived in seclusion in the mountains.

One day, people discovered them and led a group of people to surround them and catch them. It turns out that a few days ago, the village came a monster, monster command people, every year to offer tribute, otherwise, will kill the people in the village, this year, they unexpectedly found a rabbit, decided to let them do a tribute, so they go back.

At last it was time to give the monster a tribute, two strong boys, carrying these heavy rabbits, and quickly sent them to the monster. On the way, a little rabbit came to the world and asked her mother, "mom, where are we going?" The mother did not answer, and soon they came to the monster's palace. The two young men put the offerings on the door, and they ran away.

Monster came out at this moment, he looks terrible, with the sting of the scorpion in his head, and it has three face, a face has an eye, have three eyes and a face another face has 10 eyes! He had five hands, covered with blood, and shuddered.

Only the newborn rabbit was not sensible, and was still happily playing around, when the monster mumbled in a terrible voice: "hungry, which one to eat first? Eat the small one first." So he reached out his hand and just wanted to catch the rabbit, and his mother suddenly stopped in front of him and said, "you can't touch my child!" The monster say: "I don't eat it what do I eat?" With that, he waved his mother to the wall, and she cried out, "eat me before you eat! Don't move my child! At this time, a robust rabbit said: "no, or eat me first! You have a good health. The monster has a kind to eat me first!" "Yes, eat me first!" Other rabbits rush to say. The monster roar way: "I nobody eat, I eat small!"

Monster go catch a rabbit, the rabbit was afraid, loudly call mother, rabbits and other rabbits mother rushed forward, hit a monster, the monster was knocked down, and immediately stood up, snapped roared: "I'll eat you all!" "Stop!" A stern voice came out, ah! God came, he said solemnly, "you this monster, in the world for evil, see how I punish you!" With a monster down the god waved, the rabbit body turned white, his eyes became red, god delighted to say again: "the white for you have a holy heart, and red represent your solidarity."

Then god disappeared, just as it had come.

带翻译英文版安徒生童话故事 篇3

An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day the old cat saw a mouse; she jumped and caught the mouse. But she could not bite it; so the mouse got out of her mouth and ran away, because the cat could not bite it.

Then the old woman became very angry because the cat had not killed the mouse. She began to hit the cat. The cat said, "Do not hit your old servant. I have worked for you for many years, and I would work for you still, but I am too old. Do not be unkind to the old, but remember what good work the old did when they were young."



带翻译英文版安徒生童话故事 篇4

Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?"

"I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered.

"You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?"

"She is the one who sells the candy."



“我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。 “你真是个好孩子,”妈妈骄傲地说。“再给你两分钱。可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?”



带翻译英文版安徒生童话故事 篇5

Many many years ago, in the State of Song, there was a city gate. Outside the gate was a moat with fishes that lived a quiet and happy life there. One day the tower above the city gate caught fire and the people of the city were alarmed. Even the fishes in the moat could hear the gone. "What's the noise about?" the fishes wondered. "I must go and find out," said one curious black carp. When he saw the tower on fire, he hurried back to tell hismates1. "Swim all you could! Swim all you could! Swim for life!" He cried to his fellow-fishes. "The city gate is burning!" So all the fishes except the carps started to swim away. Onearrogant2 carp even laughed at the other fishes. "Don't laugh," said the kind black carp. "You really ought to swim away, too, in good time." "Why should I?" asked the arrogant carp. "It's only their city gate on fire, what's it got to do with me in the water?" The fire spread very fast and the firemen had used up all the water in the city. But it was still burning. So they fetched waster from the moat. At long last, the fire was put out, but the moat had also gone dry, leaving a few sorry carps in theirdying3 struggle. This tale likens the city gate fire to disasters that do not seem to concern us but that can spread and involve even the innocent4.

很久很久以前,宋国有一座城池。城外有一条河,河中的鱼群生活的十分安定愉快。 有一天,城楼失火了,火警的钟声穿到了水中。 “为什么这么吵闹呢?”一条鱼问道,“我们得去看看!”好奇的青鱼已经先游去去查看了,当它看到城楼失火时,他急忙回来告诉他的同伴,“着火了,城楼失火了,快点叫他们逃命吧!” 所有的鱼都逃命去了,只有一条鲤鱼在嘲笑他们。青鱼对他说:“还不快逃命,还在这里笑什么?” “我为什么要逃,城楼失火了又不会蔓延到水中,我为什么要走呢?”鲤鱼回答。城中的水很快就用完了,火还没有扑灭,于是,人们都来护城河中取水救火。 火终于扑灭了,可是河也干涸了,只余下几条可怜的鲤鱼在河床上作垂死的挣扎。城门失火比喻因牵连而受祸害或损失。

带翻译英文版安徒生童话故事 篇6

A wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, "Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you.

"Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly?"

"I would have no objection," said the wolf, "if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work."

So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.

On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog's neck.

He felt q√★√uite surprised, and asked him why it was like that?

"Oh, it is nothing," said the dog. "Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get used to it."

"Is that the only reason?" said the wolf. "Then good-bye to you, my friend. I would rather be free."




