



1. disability n.无能;残疾disabled adj.伤残的able adj.能干的;能够的

2. ambition n.野心,雄心ambitious adj.有雄心的,野心勃勃的

3.beneficial adj.有益的benefit v.&n.受益;利益,好处

4. independent adj.独立的independence n.独立depend v.依靠,依赖

5.encouragement n.鼓励encourage v.鼓励courage n.勇气,精神


1.ambition (n.) 雄心

2.beneficial (adj.) 有益的

3.adapt (v.) 使适应;改编

4.conduct (n.) 行为 (v.) 指挥

5.resign (v.)辞职

6.companion (n..) 同伴

7.access n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性

8.suitable adj.适合的, 适当的;

9.annoy vt. 使生气,使烦恼; 招惹; 妨碍

10.adequate adj.适当的, 足够的

重点词组in other words 换句话说 cut out 切掉,删掉 out of breath 上气不接下气

sit around 闲坐着 make fun of 取笑 all the best一切顺利

as well as 也, 又; 和……一样好


1. ambition (n.) 雄心

ambitious adj. 志向远大的; 有雄心壮志的;有野心的

2. beneficial (adj.) 有益的

benefit v. &n.有助于;受益;利益,好处

be beneficial to sth./sb.对……有益

be of benefit to对……有益

for the benefit of为了……(的利益)

benefit from从……中受益

3. adapt (v.) 使适应;改编

adapt (oneself) to sth.适应某物


adapt sth. for sth. from sth.根据某事将……改编成……

be adapted from… 由……改编

4. conduct (n.) 行为 (v.) 指挥

conductor n. 领导者, 经理,

a bad conduct恶劣行为

under the conduct of在...指导[管理]下

5. resign (v.) 辞职;委托, 把...交托给(to, into)

resign one's position (as secretary) 辞去(秘书)职务

resign office辞职

resign oneself to听任(某种影响); 只好(做某事)

resign oneself to one's fate听天由命

resign ... to... 把... 托付给

6. companion (n..) 同伴

make companions of 与...作伴, 与...为友

companions in arms战友

a faithful companion忠实伴侣

7. access n. (接近的)方法;通路;可接近性

accessible adj. 易接近的, 可到达的,

accessible to(prep.)

8. suitable adj.适合的, 适当的;

suit v. 合适, 适合, 相配,

unsuitable adj. 不适合的, 不相称的

be suitable for (doing) sth./sb. 很适合(做)……

9. annoy vt. 使生气,使烦恼; 招惹; 妨碍

be annoyed at/by sth.因为某事而感到困扰

get /be annoyed with sb.生某人的气

annoying 令人恼火的

annoyed 恼怒的;烦恼的

10. adequate adj.适当的, 足够的; 差强人意的




当不定式与逻辑主语之间是被动关系时 即不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示动作的承受者不定式一般要用被动形式。其被动式可以分为两种一般式和完成式。

(1) 一般式to be done表示不定式动作在谓语动词之后或者同时发生。

It is a great honor to be invited to speak here. 很荣幸被邀请在这里讲话。

The novel is said to be published next month. 据说这本小说下月要出版。

(2) 完成式 to have been done 表示不定式动作发生在谓语动词之前。

The book is said to have been translated into six languages.


The boss preferred to have been given more work to do.


被动 一般式 to be done 完成式 to have been done



It's an honor to be invited to the ceremony.


It's a pity to be kept in the house in such fine weather.



The letter is to be sent by airmail. 这封信笺要空邮。

(3) 作宾语

She didn't like to be treated as a child.


The boy asked to be given an opportunity to try again.



I'd like my bedroom to be cleaned. 我想整理一下我的卧室。


He was the last one to be asked to speak at the meeting.



His mother left the small village never to be seen again.



(1) 感官动词和一些使役动词的不定式的主动形式要省去to但在变成被动语态后需要加上to能这样用的动词或动词词组有make have let see hear notice listen to watch等。

如:We often see him act like that. He is often seen to act like that. 我们常常看到他那样做。

(2)在can't help buthave nothing to do but结构中介词but后的不定式省去to。

如:I can't_help_but suspect his motive. 我不禁怀疑起他的动机。

I have nothing to do but watch TV. 我没什么事情可做除了看电视。


①形容词以及含有形容词的名词后的不定式,一般用主动形式表示被动意义 其中形容词常见的有easy difficult important impossible等。

如:The work is impossible to finish in two days. 工作不可能两天之内完成。

English is not so easy to learn. 英语并不好学。

① 一些固定用法 如“挨骂 受责备 受批评” 用be to blame “(东西等)出租”用to let。

V-ing 的用法:


Swimming is good for health.

2. 作表语 Teaching is learning.教学相长.



Playing with fire is dangerous. (泛指玩火)

To play with fire will be dangerous.(指一具体动作)

2). V-ing形式和不定式都要有对称性;当主语是不定式时,表语也用不定式;反之,当主语是 V-ing 形式时,表语也用 V-ing 形式。

To see is to believe.= Seeing is believing.

3). It’s no use (good) doing sth

It’s a waste of time doing sth

it 作形式主语, 只用V-ing,不用不定式。

※ It is + adj. + (for sb ) to do sth

It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收。

It is a waste of time talking (talk) to him .

It is important for me to learn (learn) English .

3.作宾语 V-ing 形式既可作动词的宾语, 也可作介词的宾语。

We would appreciate hearing from you.我们会珍惜你的来信。



1. 关系代词 that, which (物) that, who, whom(人)whose(人和物)


A plane is a machine that can fly.(that做主语,先行词是物)

The book (which) I gave you was worth $10.(which先行词是物,在从句中作宾语可省,) She is the pop star (that) I want to see very much.(that先行词是人,在从句中做宾语可省)


Do you know the man who is talking with your mother?(who在从句中做主语,先行词是人)

The boy (whom) she loved died in the war.(whom在从句中做宾语,可省)

③ whose先行词即可是人也可是物。

I like those books whose topics are about history. The boy whose father works abroad is my deskmate.

2. 关系副词

where 在从句中作地点状语 when 在从句中作时间状语 why 在从句中作原因状语 I will never forget the day when we met there.

This is the house where I was born.

I can’t imagine the reason why he turned down my offer.

三、介词/介词短语+关系代词(which, whom)

Mr. Smith is the person with whom I am working. This is the hotel in which you will stay.

关系副词when, where, why的含义相当于"介词+ which"结构,因此常常和"介词+ which"结构交替使用。

例如:There are occasions when (on which) one must yield. 任何人都有不得不屈服的时候。

Beijing is the place where(in which) I was born. 北京是我的出生地。

Is this the reason why (for which) he refused our offer? 这就是他拒绝我们帮助他的理由吗?

四、 限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句

1. 形式不同

2. 作用不同


3. 翻译不同 He is the man whose car was stolen. 他就是汽车被窃的那个人。 I’ve invited Jim, who lives in the next flat. 我请了吉姆,他就住在隔壁。

4. 先行词不同

五、 as引导的定语从句 as可以引导限制性和非限制性定语从句,在从句中做主语,宾语和表语。翻译成“像?一样”或“像” such?as 像??一样,之类 the same?as 和??一样

He is such a clever boy as everyone likes.(as在从从句中做宾语,)

That’s the same tool as I used last week.

六、 as引导的定语从句和which的区别

①which 限制性非限制性位于句后修饰整句或先行词

Beijing, which is the capital of China, is a very beautiful city.

As is well known, he is a famous film star in the 1980s.

② as 多 和 被 动 语 态 连 用 , be known, be said, be reported, be announced, be expected等


He came here very late, which was unexpected.

七、 特殊情况


1.先行词为all, everything, anything, nothing, little, much,等不定代词时

2.先行词被all, any, every, each, much, little, no, some, few等修饰时




6.先行词被the only, the very修饰时



1.He told me everything that he knows.

2.All the books that you offered has been given out.

3.This is the best film that I have ever read.

4.We talked about the persons and things that we remembered.

5.He is the only man that I want to see.

6.Who is the man that is making a speech?

二、 只能用which不能用that的情况:

1. 非限制性定语从句

2. 介词+which

3. the way 做先行词时,定语从句可由that, in which 引导或不用引导词。

4. 当先行词是point, situation, stage等时,引导词用where.

