兹有 同学于2019 年 7 月 12 日至2019 年7月 31 日在我公司为期一月的暑假实习。期间,工作积极,成绩突出。该同学不断加强专业知识和理论知识的学习,工作中,严格要求自己,关心集体,较好地完成了各项工作,现已结束。
Certificate of Internship
This is to certify Mr./Ms. has interned at this company for one month from 12th to 31st, July 2019. During this period, He/She has acted as an aggressive and outstanding member, and has kept learning professional skills and theroies. He/She has finished this internship, proved to be an self-disciplined and competent team-worker.
XXX Co., Ltd. (Stamp)
15th Aug, 2019