

新天地导游词英语 篇1

Hefei City, with a long history, was called Luzhou in ancient times, alsoknown as Luyang. It is located in the middle of Anhui Province, between theYangtze River and Huaihe River, and on the North Bank of Chaohu Lake. It governsfour districts of East City, West City, middle city and suburb, and threecounties of Changfeng, Feidong and Feixi. It has a total area of 7266 squarekilometers (458 square kilometers in the urban area) and a population of 4.259million (1.2794 million in the urban area). The city is an old and young citywith wide roads, green trees and beautiful scenery. It has many modern buildingsand places of interest.

As the capital of Anhui Province, Hefei is the center of politics, economy,science and education, culture, information, finance, commerce andtransportation in Anhui Province. It is also a first-class open city in Chinaand an important scientific research and education base in China. It has morethan 30 institutions of higher learning including University of science andtechnology of China. High tech Industrial Park and Synchrotron RadiationLaboratory of University of science and technology are famous at home andabroad. There are different opinions on the origin of the name "Hefei". LiDaoyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty wrote "notes to the classic of water", whichstates: "the water in summer rises sharply, and Shi He is in Fei, so it iscalled He Fei." Generally speaking, Shi Shui is called Nanfei River and Fei Shuiis called Dongfei river. In the Tang Dynasty, someone put forward anothertheory: Feishui flows out of Jiming mountain and flows 20 Li to the north, whichis divided into two parts: one flows southeast (Nanfeihe River) and entersChaohu Lake; the other flows Northwest (Dongfeihe River) and flows 200 Li fromShouchun to Huaihe River. In Erya, it is pointed out that "returning to thedifferent is the same as being fat". The two rivers are all called Fei. Theycome from one source and are divided into two, so they are called Hefei. Hefeiis known as "the old land of the Three Kingdoms and the hometown of Bao Zheng"in the world. It has a strategic position of "the right throat of Huaihe Riverand the lips and teeth of Jiangnan". It is often a place for militarystrategists. In the Three Kingdoms period, the battle of Xiaoyaojin, in whichZhang Liao defeated Sun Quan's 100000 troops, took place. More than 20__ yearsago, a commercial metropolis began to form here. In the Qin and Han Dynasties,prefectures and counties were set up here. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, itwas governed by Luzhou Prefecture. In the Republic of China, it was the capitalof Anhui Province. Now it is a commercial city with thousands of scales andmerchants.

Hefei is known as "green city" and "garden city". Its park around the cityis built on the basis of the ancient city wall of Hefei, along the undulatinghills, plus the original green belt and moat. The total length of the park isabout 9 km, which is divided into six scenic spots, among which the more famousare the Milky Way scenic spot with luxuriant forests and bamboo trees and thesummer river facing the dew; the Xishan Scenic Spot with lakes and mountains andclear water; and the Huanbei scenic spot with verdant trees and evergreen grass.Such a park around the city has no barrier of the city wall and stands facingthe water, which is a charming and beautiful Jiangnan scenery.

In recent years, Hefei's economy has made rapid progress, urbanconstruction is changing with each passing day, the five mile rainbow flies fromeast to west, and the lights of Luzhou are shining. High tech Development Zone,economic and Technological Development Zone, Longgang Industrial Zone and othersurrounding areas. Feishui passes through the city, and the park around the citylooks like a jade necklace; Xiaoyao Gujin, Baohe Xiuse, Yaohai Park and so onare scattered among them like pearls; Chunxiao in Shushan, Baogong cemetery,jiaonu Fanzhong, and the remains of King Wu are wandering among them, which makepeople nostalgic and forget to return.

There are many places of interest in Hefei. Once upon a time, there wereZhenhuai Jiao rhyme, Fancha bell, Cangzhou grass color, jiaonu pine shade,Shushan snow Ji, huaipu Chunrong, Chaohu night moon, four top Chaoxia eightplaces, collectively referred to as "eight scenes of Luyang". Among them, thenight moon of Chaohu Lake and the four peaks of morning glow are no longer partof Hefei city; the scenery of Zhenhuai Jiaoyun has disappeared and become ahistorical relic because of the long time and the change of things. Now the mostfamous places of interest are jiaoluotai, Mingjiao temple, Xiaoyaojin andBaogong temple.

The reform and opening up has brought a new era to Hefei. Now, Hefei istaking a brand-new attitude of Science City, industrial city, garden city andhealth city to welcome the world's guests and make friends all over theworld.

新天地导游词英语 篇2

Ladies and gentlemen, Yinchuan, a beautiful and rich oasis in Hetao area ofthe Yellow River, was the first one to be developed. In the Han Dynasty, themeasures of dredging canals and opening up farmland were carried out here, andwater conservancy projects such as Hanyan canal were built. In the Tang Dynasty,Yinchuan had the reputation of "south of the Yangtze River". Since the Ming andQing Dynasties, the folk saying of "the Yellow River enriches Ningxia" hasspread all over Jiuzhou. The ancient Dangxiang people have created a dazzlingXixia Culture here, and the industrious Hui people are constantly striving forself-improvement, showing colorful folk customs. Yinchuan is an important cityin the northwest border of China, the capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,and one of the famous historical and cultural cities in China. It has a long andsplendid history, profound cultural heritage, endless stories and endlessbeautiful scenery. Today, let's go into Yinchuan and feel the magic charm ofthis ancient frontier fortress city!

Tourists, Yinchuan city is located in the Hetao Plain formed by thealluvial of the Yellow River, facing the Yellow River in the East, with flat andopen terrain; the Helan Mountain in the west, adjacent to the mountains of AlxaLeft Banner in Inner Mongolia; the Qingtongxia gorge in the South; and PingluoCounty in the North. The total area of the city is 3499 square kilometers, andthe urban area is 1277 square kilometers. It has jurisdiction over threecounty-level districts of urban area, new urban area and suburb, and twocounties of Yongning and Helan. According to statistics__ At the end of theyear, the city's total population was about 1039100. Yinchuan is a multi-ethnicarea, inhabiting 25 ethnic groups, such as Hui, Han, Manchu, Mongolian andKorean. It is also a city where the Hui population is concentrated, with about223100 Hui people.

It is said that a long time ago, seven sisters of Phoenix lived in thesouth of the Yangtze River, bringing happiness to people. Among them, theyoungest seven sisters came to Ningxia, where the land is thin and the peopleare poor, and opened a canal to divert water, bringing the scenery of the southof the Yangtze River. Later, in order to prevent the invasion of alien tribes,Fenghuang Qimei became a city to protect the people in Ningxia, which was laterYinchuan. Now, "Phoenix City" has become the reputation of Yinchuan.

Yinchuan is flat and open. The terrain trend is gradually inclined fromsouthwest to northeast. "Helan is the screen, the Yellow River is around, thefertile fields are thousands of miles, and the lakes are inlaid" is the featureof Yinchuan landform pattern. Yinchuan terrain is divided into mountain andplain. In the west is Helan Mountain, which forms a trapezoidal shape andgradually decreases from the south of quanqigou, with an altitude of 20__-2500meters. The main peak, aobaogeda, is 3556 meters. It is a natural barrier toprevent the cold air and sandstorm from driving into the northwest. In the Eastis the Yellow River alluvial plain. The Yellow River flows from 16 kilometerseast of Yinchuan city to 30 degrees south of the city to Shizuishan, with atransit length of 78.4 kilometers and a water surface of 124700 mu, forming avast and boundless alluvial plain of the Yellow River, in which there arehundreds of fertile fields, ditches, lush vegetation, scattered with hundreds oflakes and marshes, including the famous "72 Lian Lake". Since ancient times, ithas been the main agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheryproduction area.

Yinchuan is located in the middle temperate arid climate zone, whichbelongs to the middle temperate continental climate. The main features are: lessrain and snow, strong evaporation, sufficient sunshine, moderate heat, strongwind and sand; cold in winter, hot in summer, short and changeable in spring.Yinchuan is located in the northwest inland, far from the sea, coupled with adry climate, less rainfall and long sunshine, so most of the year is sunny.According to statistics, the annual sunshine time is 17.5 hours more than thatof "sunshine city" Lhasa.

The temperature difference between day and night in Yinchuan is very large,with an average daily temperature difference of 13.1-14.4 degrees in the wholeyear. This continental climate, coupled with the unique natural conditions, isvery suitable for the growth of all kinds of crops. It is easy to store thesugar content of melons and fruits, and the sugar content of melons and fruitsis 15% - 20% higher than that of Central Plains. According to the records ofshuijingzhu written by Li Daoyuan, a famous geographer in the Northern WeiDynasty, Yinchuan plain was called "Guocheng" as early as 1500 years ago. It isrich in peach, plum, apricot, jujube, apple, grape and watermelon. The fruit isbig, sweet, tender and colorful. Yinchuan has been planting rice for more than2100 years. After careful cultivation and improvement by the working people,Yinchuan's rice has become a famous variety in China. The main food crops arewheat, buckwheat, white pea and so on. Vegetables are Ningxia cabbage, pepper,tomato, scallion. In addition, fern, seabuckthorn and honey are alsowell-known.

There are many soil types and diverse vegetation in Yinchuan area. Theforest covers an area of one million mu, half of which are plantations,including timber forest, shelter forest and fruit forest. With the developmentof afforestation and other greening projects, the forest area and greening areaare increasing year by year. In 1988, the State Council approved Helan Mountainas a national forest nature reserve with wildlife types. There are 183000 mu ofnatural secondary forest and 177 species of wildlife on the mountain, including16 species of rare animals under state protection.

Yinchuan is located in the north of the depression belt in the westernmargin of Ordos, with rich mineral resources. The mineral products stored in theHelanshan section of Yinchuan are mainly coal, hematite, limestone, dolomite,apatite, quartz sandstone, diabase, ceramic clay, etc., which provide favorableconditions for the development of metallurgy, chemical industry, buildingmaterials and other industries in Yinchuan, especially the high storage ofphosphate rock.

Yinchuan has a long history. As early as 20__ years ago in the period ofEmperor Wu of Han Dynasty, it was the habitat of Xiongnu, Xianbei and othernomadic peoples. With the development of the Yellow River irrigation area, somecastles have sprung up in Yinchuan plain. At that time, the castles, which werecalled Yinhan City, were the predecessor of Yinchuan city. Yinchuan county wasestablished in the northern and Southern Dynasties in the three years of Jiande(574), which was called Huaiyuan County. In 1020 ad, Li Deming, the leader ofDangxiang nationality, moved here and changed to Xingzhou. In 1038, the capitalof Xixia was established here, which lasted 189 years. After the change ofdynasties, it was renamed zhongxingfu, Ningxia, Ningxia Fu and Ningxia city. Itwas not until 1945 that Yinchuan city was established.

The term "Yinchuan" comes from the description of this section of theYellow River and its coastal plain irrigation area as "Yinchuan" in the lateMing Dynasty. This famous cultural city with a long history of more than 1000years is characterized by Xixia Culture. Xixia Mausoleum scenic spot is anational key scenic spot. Helan Mountain Nature Reserve is a national key naturereserve. Xixia mausoleum, baisikou twin pagoda and Haibao pagoda are the keycultural relics protection units in China. Yinchuan is one of the mostattractive cities in Western China because of its attractive water scenery,peculiar scenery of Saishang and colorful Hui customs.

Tourists, Yinchuan city is divided into three parts: the old city, the newcity and the new city. The old city was formerly Ningxia Fucheng in the QingDynasty, about 15 kilometers east of the Yellow River. Both the regionalgovernment and the Municipal People's government are located here. It is also acommercial district. The new city is located in the east of the railway station,7.5 kilometers away from the old city in the East. It was developed on the basisof the new Manchu city where Qianlong lived in the Qing Dynasty. After 1958, anew urban area was built on the vast desert grassland to the west of BaotouLanzhou railway. Once upon a time, in Yinchuan City, except for the drum tower,Yuhuangge, nanmenlou and other ancient buildings, most of them were low yellowmud Adobe houses. Nowadays, the ancient and new appearance of Yinchuan Citycomplement each other. Around those ancient buildings, there are many modernbuildings. At night, the lights are bright, the neon lights are flashing, andthe broad streets are full of light. When you enter Yinchuan, you can enjoy thebeauty of Ningxia's unique tradition and the present. This ancient frontierfortress city is welcoming guests from all over the world with a newattitude.

新天地导游词英语 篇3

Xintiandi is located in the center of Shanghai. (Xintiandi. Shanghai) is acity tourist attraction that shows the historical and cultural features ofShanghai. It is a recreational pedestrian street with food, commerce,entertainment and culture based on the unique old building of Shikumen inShanghai. Based on the integration of the West and the East and the combinationof the old and the new, the traditional Shikumen Lane in Shanghai is integratedwith the new buildings full of modern feeling.

Outside the door is a charming variety of stone Kumen alleyway, the door isa completely modern way of life, one step away, as if separated from the world,really through the sense of time and space! And the colorful streetperformances, new fashions of fashion activities, bring the dynamic fashion ofmodern fashion for the new world, become the leader of the modern trend.Shanghai Xintiandi rewrote the history of Shikumen, and injected new vitalityinto the Shikumen, which has already moved to historical relics.

Xintiandi has become the new landmark of Shanghai, and it is the best placeto appreciate Shanghai's history, culture and modern life form. Covering an areaof 30000 square meters and a construction area of 60000 square meters, theShikumen complex retains the brick walls and roof tiles of that year. Visitorsseem to enter the time tunnel and return to the 1920s. But inside everybuilding, tailored to the lifestyle, rhythm and emotional world of modernurbanites in twenty-first Century, they become international galleries,boutiques, theme restaurants and coffee bars. The..0 distance covers all theattractions of Shanghai the Bund, Shanghai Xintiandi, Shanghai Forest Park andso on.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Shikumen Lane in Shanghai is still aconcentrated expression of dilapidated, crowded and poor living conditions inthe minds of many young people. Fortunately, even so, there are still a group ofnostalgic literary masters who make architectural culture complex, so that manypeople find the beauty hidden behind it.

In Shanghai Xintiandi Shanghai language, it is called "hoop" such as hoop,wrapped or wrapped by one thing, such as a hoop, so the building of the stonehoop gate is called "stone hoop gate" and then it is falsely called "Shikumen".It is generally believed that the main gate of this kind of building is made ofstone with solid thick wood and a copper ring. Compared with traditional Chinesehouses, it tends to be conservative. Shikumen residence in Shanghai rose in the1860s. In 1860, the Taiping Army headed by Li Xiucheng, a loyal king, launchedan eastward movement to conquer Zhenjiang, Changzhou, Wuxi, Suzhou, Ningbo andother cities in southern Jiangsu and Northern Zhejiang, forcing tens ofthousands of refugees from southern Jiangsu and Northern Zhejiang to seek refugein Shanghai concession. In order to accept the refugees, the concessionmobilized businessmen to invest in housing construction. In order to make fulluse of the land, most of these houses were built as row connected Shikumen lanehouses. In order to cater to the traditional Chinese family living style,Shikumen not only imitates the western style houses, but also imitates thecommon houses in the south of the Yangtze River. After entering the door, thereis a patio. Behind the patio is the living room (called "guest hall" byShanghainese). Then there is the back patio. After the day after tomorrow, thereis the kitchen and the back door.

On both sides of the patio and the guest hall are the left and right wingrooms. The layout of the second floor is basically similar to that of the groundfloor, except that the upper part of the kitchen is the "Pavilion", and theupper part is the sun terrace. Its representative buildings include xingrenli,which covers an area of 1.33 hectares, on the east side of Henan Middle Road,between Ningbo Road and Beijing Road, and dunrenli, mianyangli, Jixiang Li,etc., on xintoujie street, Zhongshan South Road. After the beginning of thiscentury, with the change of Shanghai residents' family structure to small familystructure, the living habits of residents have also changed significantly. Thestructure and style of Shikumen residence have changed. There are "singleentrance" (no wing room) and "two entrances" (one passenger hall and one wingroom) suitable for small families. It has a large scale, the lane is about 4meters wide, and the floors are mainly 2-3 floors; pavilions are set at thestair platform, and balconies are used in the facade; 20__ After the s, sanitaryequipment was generally installed. Its representative buildings include Jing'anvilla on Nanjing West Road and new mainland village on Shanyin road. After the1930s, due to the shortage of housing in Shanghai, some residents rented outtheir spare rooms to others, so most of the Shikumen changed their originaldesign intention and became a multi family house.

The Shikumen residence, which is from childish to mature, constitutes aLane community with private space and public space interlaced. In thiscommunity, while enjoying personal space, it is easier for residents tocultivate a more harmonious and intimate neighborhood relationship. As a result,we all know exactly what we cook and what's going on in that family. With theincrease of residential density, residents gradually move their familyactivities to the public space in the lane, which further strengthens theoriginal neighborhood intimacy. In the meantime, there are more and morefrictions, whether between young people or between young people and old people.These frictions and quarrels are just about "you use more of my gas", "youinvade my territory" and so on.

Shanghai Xintiandi Shikumen lane has more than 9000 places at most,accounting for more than 60% of the total residential area in Shanghai. Simplyfrom the perspective of architecture, Shikumen is the product of a specifichistorical period, which has a history of more than 100 years. Moreover, thespatial structure of some Shikumen is not suitable for the living concept ofmodern people, so it is normal for them to disappear. In the early 1990s,Shanghai began large-scale reconstruction and development. Many old houses inShikumen have been demolished and replaced by high-rise buildings one by one.One by one, old houses full of nostalgia are gradually disappearing. Only thendo people realize that they want to preserve these unique "artworks" inShanghai.

Shanghai Xintiandi rewrote the history of Shikumen, and injected newvitality into the Shikumen, which has already moved to historical relics.Walking in the new world is like returning time to the past. The green brickwalk, the red and green brick walls, the thick black paint gate and the lintelcarved with Baroque style swirling mountain flowers make tourists feel like theyare in Shanghai in the 1920s and 1930s. However, stepping into the interior ofeach building is very modern and fashionable. The original partition walls ofevery house have been completely opened, presenting a spacious space. Thecentral air conditioning is like spring all the year round. The European stylefireplace and sofa are adjacent to the eight immortals table and Taishi chair inthe East. The bar and coffee room are in harmony with the teahouse and Chineserestaurant. The modern oil painting and the vertical old phonograph on the wallare quietly pouring out the owner's cultural taste. Outside the door is theShikumen alley with all kinds of customs. Inside the door is a completely modernway of life. In this way, one step away, it feels like a world away. It reallyfeels like crossing time and space.

新天地导游词英语 篇4

Xintiandi is divided into two parts: Nan Li and Bei Li. Modern buildingsare the main buildings in South Lane, and old buildings in Shikumen aresubsidiary. In the northern part of the block, the old buildings of Shikumen aremainly preserved, and the old and the new interact with each other. Nanli builta building with a total floor area of 25, The shopping, entertainment andleisure center with an area of 5000 square meters was officially opened in themiddle of 20__. This glass curtain wall building full of modern feeling hasentered into various distinctive businesses. In addition to restaurants from allover the world, it also includes the favorite fashion shops, fashion jewelryshops, food Square, cinema and one-stop Fitness Center for young people Localand foreign consumers and tourists provide a diversified and tastefulentertainment hot spot. Beili is composed of many old houses in Shikumen. Itcombines modern architecture, decoration and equipment, and turns into a numberof high-end consumer places and restaurants. Xingye Road, the watershed betweenNanli and Beili, is the site of the first National Congress of the CommunistParty of China. The Shikumen building along the street will also become a citylandscape that condenses history, culture and art.

Beside the Shanghai Xintiandi, the Taiping Bridge Park green space andartificial lake have been opened. The green space occupies forty-four thousandsquare meters and is located in the central area of the entire Taiping Bridgeproject. Tall trees are planted in the park to build low slope landscape andprovide rest space. The park center has built the largest artificial lake in thecenter of Shanghai, covering 12000 square meters. There are large fountains inthe center of the lake, and two small islands are dotted at the East and Westends of the lake, named "Yulan island" and "Hehuan island". The green spacearound the artificial lake fluctuates, and various trees and shrubs are planted.A new one thousand and two hundred metre long Lake Road along the northern sideof the green space has a beautiful curve along the artificial lake. It is linkedto the Shikumen Shanghai style building in Xintiandi square, and becomes aunique new sight in the center of the city.

Before the development of Xintiandi project, it is a building with nearly acentury of history. Shikumen architecture, which began to appear in the middleof the 19th century, has a deep historical mark. It is a product of thecombination of Chinese and Western culture, and also represents the modernhistory and culture of Shanghai. However, with the continuous development of thecity, the former Shikumen has long been unable to meet the living needs andgradually faded out of the historical stage. Some experts have anxiouslypredicted that Shanghai will not see the original Shikumen in the 21stcentury.

In 1997, the Ruian group put forward a new concept of building renovationof Shikumen: changing the original living function, giving it new commercialvalue, transforming the old Shikumen old city into a new city full of vitality.The total investment of the project was about 150 million dollars, and itstarted in early 1999. The first phase of Xintiandi square was built at the endof 20__.

The clear water brick wall of Shikumen building is one of thecharacteristics of this kind of building. In order to emphasize the sense ofhistory, the designer decided to keep the original bricks and tiles as buildingmaterials. Modern facilities, including ground floor optical fiber cables andair conditioning systems, have been installed in the old houses to ensure thathouses are more functional and reliable. Nowadays, Xintiandi has become a newlandmark in Shanghai.

新天地导游词英语 篇5

My dear friends,

Welcome to Qufu, the hometown of Confucius.

Confucius had a famous remark: “What a delight to have friends from afar.”Today I am very glad to have an opportunity of making new friends and to be yourtour guide. I wish to thank you for your cooperation and also ready to take yoursuggestions and advice regarding my service.

What we are going to visit now is the Confucius Temple. This temple iswhere sacrifices are offered to Confucius. Work on these structures began duringthe second year after Confucius’s death. The Confucius Temple imitates theimperial palace’s construction. The layout is as follows: There are 5 halls, 1pavilion, 1 altar, and 3 ancestral temples. It is divided into 9 courtyards.Altogether there are 466 rooms, 54 gateways and over 1000 stone tablets andsteles. It covers an area of 21.8 hectares (equals to 327.5 mu) and is over 1kilometers long from north to south. It is magnificent and resplendent andirrespective of the angle from which you enjoy viewing the temple. It iscommensurate with influence and fame of Confucius. As such, it is very rareworld historical treasure.

The Confucius Temple’s first gateway is called Golden Sound and JadeVibration Gateway (金声玉振门), “Golden Sound ” and “Jade Vibration” symbolize thewhole process of playing music in

ancient time. The music starts with the beating of a drum and ends with thestriking of an inverted bell (磬). This means that Confucius’s thoughts are acomprehensiveexpressionssaints’ ideas.

Now we come to the Ling Star Gate. This gate was erected in Ming Dynastyand was rebuilt in 1754. The three characters were written by Emperor Qianlong.The legend has it that there are 28 constellations in the galaxy. The star incharge of culture is called“Ling Star” or “Wenqu Star”. People believe Confuciusis the Ling Star. So they show respect to Confucius is as important as to showrespect to Heaven.

Look at this stone stele on the temple gate’s eastern wall. It is writtenon the stele that “officials should dismount here.” In the past, the civil andmilitary officials and people in the street were required to get off from theirhorses or sedan chairs and walk on foot when they passed by the Temple to showtheir reverence for Confucius and his temple.

We are now entering the Dacheng Gate (大成门). The Temple of Confucius isdivided into three layouts from here. The middle gate is the Dacheng Gate; thetwo beside the Dacheng Gate are the Golden Sound Gate on the left and JadeVibration Gate on the right. The one on farther western side is the Qisheng Gate(启圣门) and the one on

farther eastern side is the Chengsheng Gate (承圣门).

This is the main hall of the Temple of Confucius. Dacheng Hall, togetherwith the Forbidden City’s Hall of Supreme Harmony and Daimiao Temple’s TiankuangHall (天贶殿) in Tai’an city (泰安) are called the three greatest halls in China or“the Three Greatest Halls in the East”. This hall is 24.8 meters high, 45.78meters wide and 24.8 meters deep. It is surrounded by 28 dragon columns carvedout of whole blocks of stone. The 10 columns in front are deep relief sculpturesand the others are shallow ones. They are made with exquisite technique and aretreasures of the whole world. Carved on each column are two dragons twisting andflying. They are made true to life and are completely different from each other.The birthday of Confucius is on September 28th and grand commemorationactivities are held here in which people pay homage to Confucius. During thefestival, music and dancing are performed and visitors from home and abroadswarm to Qufu. Various cultural and tour activities are rich and colorful andyou’re welcome to attend this festival and enjoy yourselves in this world-famousevent.

新天地导游词英语 篇6

Welcome to Dongguan. The first thing we need to pay attention to when wecome to Dongguan is the pronunciation of our city name. Many friends who camehere before read it as "Dongwan" just because there is an idiom called smile.You are very happy. We Dongguan people don't agree. How can we become a bowl?Dongguan is only rich in a kind of aquatic plants, called guancao. Itspronunciation is "Guan". It is also in the east of Guangzhou, so it graduallyhas the name of Dongguan.

Some people may want to ask, what is the use of guancao? It used to be veryuseful in the past. It was hot in Guangdong. In the past, Cantonese used to havemats on their beds all year round. What kind of mats were they made of? This isguancao! At that time, it was also exported to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia inbulk, because the weather there was also very hot! In the past, when studentsfrom Guangdong went to Beijing to study, everyone took a mat instead of amattress. In winter, there was only one mat on the bed board. When the schoolleaders checked the students' dormitories, they almost burst into tears. Theyquickly asked the students' office to subsidize him with a mattress. As aresult, when they went to see it in a few days, the mattress was supplemented,but there was also a mat on it. There was really no way to take them. This isour guancao The huge attraction of Xi! But now the grass industry in Dongguan ismiserable. Because people's living standards have improved and every family hasbeen equipped with air conditioners, the industry has come to an end. Now if youwant to see the grass mat in Dongguan, you have to go to the museum!

OK, now our car is in the center of Dongguan City. Do you see the ancientcity building in front of us, which is a bit like Tiananmen Square? That is thewest gate of Dongguan. It was built in the Ming Dynasty. Some tourists aresurprised that Dongguan has a long history. In fact, Dongguan has a much longerhistory than this. The first official office was set up here by the firstemperor of Qin Dynasty. Dongguan county was set up in the Three Kingdoms period,and Dongguan county was set up in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Unfortunately, it wasDongguan County until 1985. Look at us here. We have been a county for nearly20__ years!

What is more, what is the reason why, in the past, there was no such thingas Dongguan in history. Destructed opium in the town, such as "Humen tobacco",everyone knows it, but Humen is just a town in Dongguan. Everyone who readshistory books knows Humen, but no one knows Dongguan. If we had named Dongguantobacco for that year, then Dongguan would have known destructed opium.

This tower is called Yingen tower. It is said that during the Hongwu Periodof the Ming Dynasty, Japanese pirates often came here to plunder. At that time,there was no barrier around Dongguan. So a general named Chang ran led the armyand the people to build a city wall and four gates around Dongguan. The wholewall was 1299 feet long, which surrounded the whole Dongguan City. At that time,the gate was closed, xiaori Let's jump outside the city! No matter whether it'sa ninja or a tortoise, it can't get in.

Moreover, the city wall has the function of flood control. When there is aflood in summer, the city gate is blocked with sandbags, so that the city willnot be flooded. It's really making the people rich. Therefore, the people ofDongguan have a lot of feelings for this building. Even though the urban area ischanging, they are reluctant to demolish the old building. Now they haveinvested a lot of money to rebuild the surrounding area into xichengmen CulturalSquare, which has become an important place for citizens to have leisure andentertainment and hold large-scale festivals. You can see that behind theancient city building is the newly built four-star hotel in Dongguan. Does itfeel like "five thousand years at a glance" standing here?

Well, our car continues to show you around the city. Have you noticed thatthere are many majestic motorcycle mounted policemen on the streets of Dongguan?This is our 110 public security police in Dongguan. They are very quick. Theypromise to arrive at the scene within 5 minutes when they report the case. Butthere is one. They don't wear white police uniforms, but colorful camouflageclothes. So some tourists say that Dongguan seems to be under militarymanagement. Don't get me wrong. Our Dongguan is not under military management,but the police are armed police. So they wear this kind of green clothes, maybebecause everyone likes green. You don't see our Dongguan How good is thegreening of the block? The roads are like gardens. The copyright ofthis article is owned by the original author and source.

However, Dongguan was not so beautiful in the past, but now it is mainlyforced by Shenzhen, because Dongguan and Shenzhen are both built on the same 107national highway. Once upon a time, people from Shenzhen moved Miaopu to thestreet, and then they went to Dongguan, where, wow, there are houses everywhere.The whole big construction site is full of mud trucks, The cement road haschanged into a yellow mud road. There are some small trees on the roadsideoccasionally, and the leaves are also covered with a layer of ash powder.Therefore, the environmental reputation of Dongguan was bad at that time. Nowyou can see that there are several green belts on the roadside, including darkgreen trees, light green grass, red flowers and golden petals. We are all proudto live here!

OK, now look at the car window. Do you see the strange building withChinese style cornice and glazed tile roof in the front and Western stylefactory building in the back? That is the branch of the famous Swiss Nestlecoffee company in Dongguan. They may have designed the gate and wall of thefactory with glazed tile roof to express their respect for Chinese culture, butthe factory keeps its western architectural characteristics, which is a typicalreflection of the characteristics of Dongguan industry, that is, Sino foreignjoint venture.

Dongguan is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese in Guangdong Province,mainly Hong Kong compatriots. There is a saying in Hong Kong that "one out ofevery 10 Hong Kong people is from Dongguan". There is also a saying in Dongguanthat "every Dongguan family has at least one relative in Hong Kong.". Somepeople may not understand the relationship between this and Dongguan industry.This is because at that time, Hong Kong received many foreign orders for toys,electronics and other processing. It was too expensive to produce labor in HongKong. Therefore, after favorable policies, they all moved their factories to themainland one after another. Where is the best place to move to the mainland? Ofcourse, it's moving to a place close to you and where you have acquaintances. SoDongguan became their first choice.

Now, it's no longer just small-scale Hong Kong private enterprises settingup factories in Dongguan. Many well-known international companies have alsochosen Dongguan, such as the famous Nokia company, the Nestle coffee company wesaw just now, and the company that produces the golden overlord battery. Thereare also many large factories in Chinese Taiwan, all of which are listed companies inChinese Taiwan. Some of the factories set up here are as large as a few in one factoryTen thousand people! For example, the largest Yuyuan shoe factory producesfamous brand sports shoes such as Nike, Adidas and fina. There are nearly 100000people in one factory! According to media reports, one of the ten pairs ofsports shoes in the world is made in Dongguan, and 80% of the world's mice aremade in Dongguan. This achievement is also the result of the efforts of a largenumber of foreign workers and technicians. Therefore, the number of localresidents in Dongguan is 1.5 million, while that of foreign ones is 3million.

新天地导游词英语 篇7

Xiangshan is located in the western suburb of Beijing. Besides appreciatingmaple, it is also a royal garden with a long history and rich culturalheritage.

There are "Xishan Qingxue", one of the eight sceneries in Yanjing; Biyuntemple, a temple with the architectural style of Ming and Qing Dynasties; theonly existing wooden and gilded "500 arhat hall" in China; Zongjing Dazhaotemple, a palace to welcome the sixth Panchen Lama; jianxinzhai, a quaintcourtyard with Jiangnan characteristics; Here is Shuangqing villa, the firstplace where the great man of the century Mao Zedong and the Central Committee ofthe Communist Party of China lived and worked in Peiping; here is the temporaryresidence of the great man of the Century Sun Yat Sen's coffin, the King Kongthrone tower of Biyun temple, the Sun Yat sen Memorial Hall of Biyun temple andthe Sun Yat Sen's tomb.

Xiangshan Park is located in the western suburb of Beijing, covering anarea of more than 180 hectares. It is a royal garden with a long history, richcultural heritage and mountain forest characteristics. As early as 1186, thehuman landscape appeared in Xiangshan. Xiangshan temple was once the highesttemple in the west of Beijing. In the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Qianlong built 28Jingyi gardens. Xiangshan and Jingyi gardens are one of the famous "threemountains and five gardens" in western Beijing. In 1860 and 1900, Xiangshan andjingyiyuan were burned by the Allied forces of Britain, France and the eightcountries. After 1949, most of the scenic spots have been restored.

Xiangshan Park has steep terrain, emerald peaks and lush springs. Xianglupeak, the main peak, is 557 meters above sea level. There are more than 260000trees in the park, including more than 5800 ancient and famous trees, accountingfor about a quarter of the urban area of Beijing, and the forest coverage rateis as high as 98%. In recent years, it has been determined by relevantdepartments as one of the areas with the highest negative oxygen ion in Beijing.In the park, people live in harmony with nature, birds sing and insects sing,squirrels play in the gully forest. Here, flowers are blooming in spring, cooland pleasant in summer, and plain silver makeup in winter. In particular,Xiangshan red leaf is most famous. Every frost autumn, all over the mountain,like a raging fire, magnificent incomparable. During the period of Ci poetry,the number of visitors doubled, and it was once rated as one of the "16 newsceneries of Beijing".

Xiangshan Park has complete tourism service facilities. Up the mountain,you can take the large hanging chair type sightseeing cableway h, with a totallength of 1400 meters and a drop of 431 meters). Songlin restaurant andXiangshan villa are ideal places for sightseeing, vacation and leisure. Livinghere, you can walk to the botanical garden of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing Botanical Garden and Wofo temple. A few kilometers to the East is thefamous summer palace. To the south, there are Badachu Park and other touristattractions.

新天地导游词英语 篇8

Dear tourists

There are hundreds of ancient city walls in China, among which the ancientcity walls of Beijing, Nanjing and Xi'an are the largest. However, the ancientcity walls of Beijing and Nanjing have been demolished or seriously damaged. Theancient city wall of Xi'an, which was built in 1370 ad, is still intact. WhenJapan came to Xi'an for a visit to China, they did not look at the pit of theterracotta warriors, the "eighth wonder of the world", but boarded the west gatetower, which was built more than 600 years ago, to appreciate the majesticappearance of the ancient city wall. Now, please come with me to visit theancient city wall of Xi'an.

The origin of the city wall

Dear tourists, we have enjoyed the colorful and simple ancient city wall inthe morning or sunset of the car shop these days. Now we come to the foot of thecity wall, please walk on the wall tour.

You must want to know what the real meaning of the wall is. The word "citywall" was originally derived from the word "city". According to Shuowen, "Cheng"is the interchangeable word of "Sheng", and "Sheng" is to accept the people, sothe original meaning of the word "Cheng" is to encircle the people and form acountry, which leads to the meaning of city wall. The "city" of the Great Wall,known as the backbone of the Chinese nation, also means the city wall. Butlater, with the development of society, the word "city" contains the explanationof today's city.

The word "city" first appeared in the inscriptions of the Zhou Dynasty,which vividly reflected the military use of ancient city walls. The militaryfunction of the city wall is to protect the private ownership, and in ideology,the size of the city wall is the strict embodiment of the hierarchicalpatriarchal system. Obviously, the ruler built the city wall to protect himselfand declare the national power. The Xi'an City Wall we see now is one of themost famous city wall buildings in Chinese history. It took eight years from thethird year of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty (1370 A.D.) to the eleventh year of Hongwu(1378 A.D.). It was built on the basis of the imperial city of Sui and TangDynasties. After repair, it basically maintained the complete appearance offeudal city wall architecture, reflecting the outstanding achievements ofancient Chinese city building technology.

Scale, structure and facilities of city wall

Dear tourists, how big is the Xi'an city wall? What is its structure?According to the calculation, the perimeter of Xi'an city wall is 11.9kilometers, including 2590 meters of East city wall, 2631.2 meters of west citywall, 3441.6 meters of south city wall and 3241 meters of north city wall. Sucha scale is rare at home and abroad.

You can see a small city with a guard gate outside the four gates of thecity wall, which is called the urn city. The so-called urn means that once theenemy enters, he will be attacked from all sides on the wall of the urn, justlike a turtle in the urn, unable to escape. Outside the urn, there is also asmall city called Yangma city. In ancient times, there was a fixed time for thegate to open and close. After the gate was closed, people who had not yetreturned to the city could go to Yangma city and the park around the city withtheir own sheep and horses to rest and wait for the gate to open before enteringthe city. The Yangma city in Xi'an was completely destroyed in the late QingDynasty. I remember that in 1986, about 17.5 meters outside the north gate ofWengcheng, Andingmen (West Gate) of Xi'an City, the north gate of yangmachengwas found, 5.5 meters long and 2.4 meters wide. Now you can see the restoredYangma city on the outside of the South Gate urn. The wall is 198 meters longand 9.5 meters high.

Outside the moat, there were four rammed earth cities named Guocheng, whicharched the four gates. According to "Xi'an Fu Zhi" volume nine records: TangTianyou years, Han construction Dongguo town and Xiguo town. Song, Jin and YuanDynasties are all due to this. During the Hongwu Period of Ming Dynasty, most ofDongguo small cities were wrapped up in big cities, and those left outside werecalled Dongguo new city. Xiguo town in the late Ming Dynasty. At present, onlypart of the wall of Siguan Guocheng remains, and Guomen only has its name on theplace name.

Now we come to the northeast of Xi'an City, which used to be the royal cityof the Ming and Qin Dynasties. In the early Ming Dynasty, Zhu Yuanjin appointedhis second son as the king of Qin and ordered him to stay in Xi'an to strengthenhis control over the northwest. The whole city is divided into two walls. Theouter city wall is called Xiao wall, which is made of soil. The inner city wallis called brick wall because it is built with green bricks outside. After theMing Dynasty, Xiaoqiang was destroyed. During the reign of Emperor Yongzheng ofQing Dynasty, temples were built in Xi'an, and most of the buildings in thepalace of King Qin were demolished, and the brick city was changed into theEight Banners church. At present, there are only a few remnant parts of rammingEarth City in the brick city of Qin Wangfu.

When Xi'an city was built in Ming Dynasty, there were four gates:"Changle", "Yongning", "anding" and "Anyuan". The name of the gate is engravedon the blue stone gate outside the gate. The building built on the gate of thebig city is called the city tower, also called the main tower, which is thecommand post of the commander guarding the city. The building built on the gatehole of Wengcheng is called Jianlou, because there are arrow windows on the wallof the building, which was used for shooting arrows at that time. In theRepublic of China, four gates were opened, commonly known as Xiaosi gate:Zhongshan Gate (Xiaodong gate), which was built at the east end of DongxinStreet to commemorate Sun Yat Sen; Wumu gate (Xiaonan gate), which is at thesouth end of Sifu street today; Yuxiang gate (Xiaoxi gate), which is at the westend of Lianhu Road, was demolished after liberation; Jiefang gate (small NorthGate), formerly known as Zhongzheng gate, was built at the north end of JiefangRoad when Longhai Road was opened to Xi'an. In 1952, it was demolished becauseof the expansion of the railway station. After liberation, Xi'an also opened upnew city gates, including Jianguo gate, Heping gate, Wenchang gate, Zhuque gateand Hanguang gate. The north wall has Shangde gate. The east wall has ChaoyangGate.

Most tourists know that there were 98 enemy towers on the walls of Xi'an inthe Ming Dynasty. However, in 1982, the Xi'an city wall management office foundthat none of the ancient enemy towers were left, and only some of them still hadfoundation stones. After that, Xi'an rebuilt 12 enemy towers, which were brickand wood structures, with two stories of double eaves and two corridors on theground floor.

The ancient city wall facilities not only built the enemy tower and arrowtower to prepare for martial arts, but also built the Kuixing tower to sacrificeKuixing, the God who dominated the cultural movement. Kuixing tower in Xi'an wasbuilt in the east of the South Gate Tower, which was destroyed by the fire.Later, Kuixing building was rebuilt on the original site, which is worthseeing.

新天地导游词英语 篇9

Welcome to Hongcun. My name is Qian Haoyu. You can call me Xiaoqian or QianDao. I'm honored to serve you.

Next, I'd like to introduce the history of Hongcun. Hongcun, formerly knownas Hongcun, is located at the southwest foot of Huangshan Mountain, tenkilometers away from heiduo County of Huangshan City. Hongcun was built inShaoxing period of Southern Song Dynasty (1131-1162 A.D.) with a history of 900years.

Please follow me and enter Hongcun. The first thing you see is tworepresentative ancient trees, one is white fruit tree, the other is red poplar.The two trees form a pair of "ox horn", which makes the whole village full ofvitality.

Over a bridge, we come to the village's existing intact Ming and Qingresidential buildings of more than 140, of which the most famous is Zhidao hall.Its "three carving" technology is very exquisite, magnificent, known as the"Ming Palace Museum". Please continue to follow me. What you see now is Nanhuacademy, also known as "Yihu academy". It is an ancient library with thetraditional micro architectural style of Suo county. It is composed of Zhidaohall, Wenchang Pavilion, enlightenment Pavilion, Wanghu tower and Zhongyuangarden.

Our tour is over. I hope this wonderful memory will become your eternalmemory. I hope you can visit Hongcun again.

新天地导游词英语 篇10

Everybody is good, and where we are now, is the famous mogao grottoes. Mogao grottoes in dunhuang, it used to be like the singing, crescent lake, dunhuang is the famous tourist attractions, or by the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in our country on the world heritage list in 29 landscape, one of the cultural heritage.

The mogao grottoes, commonly known as the thousand-buddha grottoes is located in the singing. Caves chisel in the 4th century AD, until the end of the 14th century, before and after the continuation of about one thousand years. The mogao grottoes is a magnificent building, is the palace of paintings and sculptures, is the largest and most content in Chinese now grottoes grottoes.

Of where the visitors, now is the door to the mogao grottoes, in front of us there are two towers, finishing mountain layers are hidden behind the hole, from a distance like a tower, a house room, room. The hole in possession of many treasures, books, documents, etc. Most eye-catching is the murals, particular is flying mural image.

Dear visitors, do you have any found mural is mostly incomplete, that's because once suffered a few times, more than one hundred years ago was stole many foreigners, now give people leave many regrets. I also want to here called on everyone to protect our world cultural heritage, inherit and carry forward our national culture.

Dear visitors, because time relationship, today's visit to call it a day. Hope you regret it, through this tour, know more about the mogao grottoes culture. Want a deeper understanding of the mogao grottoes, welcome you come again next time.

新天地导游词英语 篇11

Xinxiang City is the political, economic, cultural and traffic center ofNorthern Henan. There are many historical sites and rich cultural relics.

There are hundreds of natural landscapes in the city, including fournational cultural relics protection units, one National Forest Park, oneNational Wetland Bird Nature Reserve, more than 50 provincial scenic spots andcultural relics protection units, more than 500 municipal cultural relicsprotection units, one historical and cultural city and one historical andcultural town.

Xinxiang has obvious location advantages, forming an important commoditytrade center in Northern Henan. Beijing Guangzhou line, Xinhe and Xinjiao linesintersect here in a cross shape. National roads 107 and 106 run through thenorth and south, forming a fast and convenient transportation network with thecombination of trunk and branch, extending in all directions and running throughin all directions. The city's commercial facilities are complete, and thenetwork is densely distributed in urban and rural areas. The grand comprehensiveshopping centers, such as Pingyuan shopping mall, Huabin commercial building andXindaxin shopping mall, which represent the advanced level of modern metropolis,are luxurious; various standardized and grand supermarkets, commercial streetsand pedestrian streets have become the beautiful scenery of the urban area;Baiquan herbal medicine fair, which has a history of 600 years and is one of thethree national herbal medicine exchange conferences, is known as "less thanBaiquan medicine is incomplete", and its turnover ranks first among the threenational herbal medicine fairs. Changyuan glasses market, Xinxiang electronicsmarket, Yubei building materials market and Yanjin peanut market, which are oneof the four major glasses markets in China, are of considerable scale and enjoyhigh reputation both inside and outside the province. The development ofcommunication has built a bridge of modern commodity economy and society. Thecity's installed capacity is 572000 units, 363000 users are installed, and 28telephones are owned by 100 people in the urban area. The number of data userssuch as digital data network, packet switching network and computer Internet hasreached 8273. The government's Internet access project has been completed firstin the country, and three-level websites of cities, counties and townships havebeen opened, making it the largest communication hub in Northern Henan. Theestablishment of the status of business center has accelerated the pace of urbanconstruction.

In accordance with the pattern of building a modern city, on the basis ofincreasing the transformation of the old city, the urban skeleton has beenstretched to the East and south. In the past two years, more than 20 urban trunkroads have been reconstructed and widened; the first phase of Weihe Rivertreatment has been completed; Yiyuan, xingfuli and other residential areas havebeen newly built; five water plants and sewage treatment plants have beenreconstructed and newly built; and; Through the implementation of "city imageprojects" such as removing walls to make the streets green and one street, onelandscape, one tree and one lamp, the city has greatly changed and the wholeurban area has taken on a new look. Xinxiang has rich cultural heritage andoutstanding people. Xinxiang was called Yong state in ancient times. It belongedto Wei in the spring and Autumn period, Wei in the Warring States period, andHuojia in the Han Dynasty. It was founded in 586 a.d. by Emperor Wen of the SuiDynasty and has been more than 1400 years. At the beginning of the founding ofnew China, it was the capital of Pingyuan province. Ancient history breedssplendid civilization. Yangshao and Longshan cultural sites are indisputable;the nomadic war led by King Wu of Zhou Dynasty and the alliance of 800 princesis dependent on historical sites; Jiang Shangwei river fishing, Bigan's loyaladvice, Wei Wei rescuing Zhao, Zhang Liang's assassination of Qin, the battle ofGuandu and Chen Qiao mutiny are all originated from this hot land; Confucius'slecture "apricot altar" is still in existence, Li Bai's song is before his loyalministers; Zhang Cang thought of "nine chapters arithmetic", Chen Yucheng'sdeath in heaven; The tomb of Lu Jian, the younger brother of Ming Shenzong, is areference to the history of the twelve prime ministers.

During the war of resistance against Japan, the "pinghan guerrillas"shocked the enemy; during the war of liberation, the people of Xinxiang foughtwith blood. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, the ancientpastoral land is full of talents. Together with Jiao Yulu, Wang Jinxi, Lei Fengand Qian Xuesen, Secretary of Liuzhuang Party committee Shi Laihe is known asone of the five party members who have had a wide influence since the foundingof the people's Republic of China; Wu Jinyin, alternate member of the CentralCommittee, deputy secretary of Xinxiang Municipal Party committee and Secretaryof Tangzhuang Party committee, is known as "a good example of township partysecretary"; Liu Zhihua, one of China's top ten outstanding women, Liu Bingyin,the leader of Xinfei electric group, Liu zhixia, a famous writer, Guan Mucun, asinger, Zhang Mingxue, an academician of Chinese Academy of engineering, LiuGuoguo, a mathematician known as "the second ramanuyan" by the InternationalMathematical circles, and so on, have won the pride and pride for Xinxiangpeople. The long history, splendid culture and beautiful environment have leftrich tourism resources for Xinxiang. At present, the city has 2 nationalcultural relics protection units and 42 provincial cultural relics protectionunits, 4 national scenic spots, such as Bigan temple, Luwang mausoleum, NationalForest Park baiyun temple and National Wetland Bird Nature Reserve, and 54provincial scenic spots, such as Baiquan, Wanxian mountain, baligou and Jinghuagarden. In recent years, the municipal Party committee and the municipalgovernment take the development of tourism as an important pillar industry, andstrive to cultivate it as a new bright spot of economic growth in XinxiangCity.

The new century is pregnant with new hope. Xinxiang people will carryforward the "Five Spirits" in accordance with the requirements of the "ThreeRepresents", closely focus on the theme of development, grasp the main line ofstructural adjustment, highlight the improvement of the quality and efficiencyof economic growth, be pragmatic and efficient, unite and forge ahead, work hardand innovate, and show a new Xinxiang to the 21st century

新天地导游词英语 篇12

Since ancient times, many scholars have praised her. She is the hometownwhere I grew up - beautiful Xinxiang, a place of human nature and beauty,pleasant scenery and vigorous development.

She has a long history and culture, is one of the birthplaces of ancientChinese civilization, ancient civilization, rich culture has created a kind,simple, hardworking Xinxiang people; she has a large number of historical sites,rich cultural resources, has won a number of national heritage protectionprojects; With its superior geographical conditions, it has become the economicand transportation center of Northern Henan, and has the reputation of the Pearlof the central plains; it has rich water resources, and the "Mother River" - theYellow River nourishes the whole pastoral land and feeds the people of Xinxiang;She is rich in natural resources, and has won the honors of "China's bestecological livable city", "China's National Forest City", "National ExcellentTourism City"; she has a red and blooming city flower - "pomegranate flower",which encourages the people of Xinxiang to forge ahead, work hard, keep pacewith the times, and strive to build a reform and opening up, prosperous anddynamic new township; She has an impassioned City song, Xinxiang is morebrilliant tomorrow, which conveys the spirit of the times of Muye's children;she has delicious food, which brings health and happiness to people's life; shehas rich educational resources, which endows us with knowledge and strength inthe rapid development and progress of society; she has rich educationalresources, which gives us rich knowledge and strength; She has many well-knownenterprises at home and abroad, constantly promoting the development of urbanmodernization and industrial economy; she has a variety of science andTechnology Industrial Park, and has won many economic and investment honors,such as the best investment city in Central China; she has a clean and tidyliving environment, and has won the honorary title of "national health city";she has been awarded the national health city; She has the standard of rapidurbanization and sustainable development, and has won the honorary title of"China's sustainable development city".

Xinxiang is small but clean. Xinxiang is not very developed, but peoplelive comfortably here. Xinxiang is not famous, but we still love her. We likeher beauty, her humanity, her quiet but not noisy, and her every street full oflife.

Beautiful hometown - I love you.

新天地导游词英语 篇13

Shanghai Xintiandi is a city tourist attraction with strong "Shanghaistyle" style in Shanghai. Its predecessor is one of the symbols of modernarchitecture in Shanghai the dilapidated Shikumen residential area in Shanghai.It is a leisure pedestrian street integrating catering, commerce, entertainmentand culture based on the unique old Shikumen building area in Shanghai. Afterthe transformation, Shanghai Xintiandi was injected into many fashionablecommercial elements creatively, and became an international leisure, culturaland entertainment center with functions such as dining, shopping andentertainment. It is an urban tourist attraction with Shanghai's historical andcultural features. It integrates the traditional Shikumen Lane in Shanghai withthe modern new buildings based on the integration of China and the West and thecombination of the old and the new.

Shanghai Xintiandi is located in the center of Luwan District and adjacentto the Huaihai Road. On the south side of Huaihai Middle Road, between HuangpiSouth Road and Madang Road, it is adjacent to the intersection of Huangpi SouthRoad subway station and north-south, east-west elevated roads. Shanghai'sXintiandi has become an international well-known gathering place, and has beenincluded in the list of Shanghai tourist attractions. It has also become aclassic case of China's real estate regional transformation.

This is the photo of Shanghai Xintiandi. In May, I went to ShanghaiXintiandi. I took some photos to show you. After that, Shanghai might as well goand have a cup of coffee in the open air to feel the unique charm of ShanghaiXintiandi.

新天地导游词英语 篇14

Every day, countless people rush into this fast spinning City, with theirgrand blueprint or soap bubble like daydream; every day, countless people leavethis stiff and indifferent City, leaving their tears or endless regrets.

Out of curiosity and desire for the unknown, with a trace of expectation, atrace of tension and a trace of loss, I came to this city called "Shanghai".

It was early in the morning when I first arrived in Shanghai. Don't forget,Shanghai is also called "never night city". Although the sky is gray, but thecolorful lights on the street are flashing my eyes. Walking on the Bund, you cansee all kinds of European buildings and groups of foreigners coming and going.Through the glass, you can see the bright lights and the twisting posture in theluxurious dress. This is probably the nightclub in Shanghai. How many rich butlonely people are living a life of intoxication here? They just want to seek atrace of warmth in this cold city.

The night of the Huangpu River fascinated me, standing on the riverside.The breeze gently blowing my hair. The Lujiazui portrait centered on theOriental Pearl was displayed in front of my eyes. Beautiful, very beautiful,very beautiful, so suffocating, so beautiful that people feel unreal, sobeautiful that people can't help but sigh "can only be seen from a distance, butcan't play.".

In the early morning, people can see Shanghai clearly and thoroughly.Walking on Nanjing Road and shuttling through the people's Square, I see antiquebuildings and groups of people in a hurry. As if, in this fast-paced city, notto rush will be eliminated, abandoned, forgotten.

Coming to the new world is full of the Republic of China. On this famous"Republic Street". I seem to have seen Zhang Ailing, who is "merciful becauseshe knows", Lin Huiyin, who is "love, warmth, April day in the world", and XiaoHong, who is "too late to do anything, just sit and watch the red sky" and so onLittle by little of the Republic of China appeared in front of my eyes. I don'tknow why, when I saw these traces of history, I was moved to tears.

In my opinion, Shanghai, known as "Oriental Paris", is a proper and goodcity integrating modern and traditional. Whether the bright Lujiazui, themagnificent people's square or the red wall green tile Town God's Temple, knownto the world, all the Shanghai road has added a touch of vitality, a touch ofbeauty and a touch of moving.

When I say goodbye to Shanghai, I look at the endless stream of people andthe magnificent high-rise buildings. I can't help but sigh that Zhuzhou is soordinary! But I think I still love that ordinary Zhuzhou more than theglittering of Shanghai. There is no bright light shining, no dense trafficshuttle, but there is warmth, and the person who has always accompanied me.

新天地导游词英语 篇15

Zhuhai Haiquanwan mysterious island, mysterious island theme parkHaiquanwan mysterious island is located in Haiquanwan resort city in the west ofZhuhai, covering an area of about 1 square kilometers. Taking the rare ocean hotspring as the core, it is composed of eight parts: two five-star resort hotels,fisherman's Wharf integrating food, entertainment and performance, high-techmodern theater, exciting mysterious island theme park, star service physicalexamination center, fitness club for health, and expansion training camp forelite team. Haiquan Bay mysterious island, the mysterious and strange pirateCastle area of Haiquan Bay mysterious island. The southwest corner of HaiquanBay mysterious island was originally a fishing port, which was later occupied bypirates and became an important supply station and stronghold at sea. After aseries of resistance and repression, the residents of mysterious island finallydefeated the heinous pirates. There were pirate three masted sailboats, PirateSkeleton flags, old-fashioned rifles, rusty knives and powder kegs. Two blackcannons watched the lake in silence, as if ready to fire at any time to attackthe pirates.

Zhuhai mysterious island Haiquan Bay mysterious island dream fairy taleMermaid Lake District colorful and lovely ocean cartoon is the young theme ofmermaid Lake District. The street lights and flagpoles in the whole area aresurrounded by seaweed, like coral pillars on the sea floor. High flagpole, fullof fish flag, slender fish flag is the shape of all kinds of marine fish,floating in the wind, like countless marine fish swimming in the sea. Haiquanwanmysterious island is the birthplace of Haiquanwan mysterious island. Themysterious island is full of mysterious and magical power. The cracks betweennumerous stones and the springs in the land hiss with white steam, as if amysterious force at the foot is flowing everywhere, looking for the passage outof the surface. Under the action of mysterious forces, the huge rocks havebroken away from the conventional massive structure and are growing freely withthis incredible shape and angle.

On the roadside rocks, there are countless devout, frightened, eager andgiant faces, large and small. With the passage of time, the statues of faces arecovered with a thick layer of moss, with a deeper mystery in the blur. The waterscreen movie of Haiquan Bay mysterious island the dreamlike water screen movieof Haiquan Bay mysterious island has a wonderful performance in the inner lakeof fisherman's Wharf at the beginning of the Lantern Festival. The spring in thefountain square is a perfect combination of music and laser. It's like a jadeplate with beads falling down. It's exciting.

EDSA, WatG, forrec of Canada, Nihon Sekkei of Japan, Wilson &Associates of America, Inc, hbaand cell of Hong Kong are responsible for theoverall planning and landscape design, architectural design, theme park planningand design, hot spring project and interior decoration design of the resortrespectively.

The 2.7 km long coastal couple Road, more than 200000 square meters of lakewater system and 300000 square meters of green area make the resort maintain aharmonious and perfect ecological environment.

According to statistics, during the Spring Festival, Haiquan Bay received200000 tourists, eight of whom were family tourists.

There is no new year's Eve in 20__. Traditionally, it should be the daywhen the whole family gather at home to watch the new year. However, nearly 1000rooms of two five-star hotels in Haiquan Bay are all full. Neptune resort hotelopens on the first day of the year, and tourists can't wait to stay in. From 29to the seventh day of the new year, the opening rate of two hotels in HaiquanBay is 99%.

It was designed by FORREC, a Canadian company that once served for LotteWorld in Korea and Universal Studios. According to the natural beautifulcoastline and natural lake surface, it skillfully integrates a variety ofexciting high-tech amusement equipment with Mediterranean style buildings,forming a passionate lucky Avenue area, a thrilling adventure jungle area, amysterious and treacherous pirate Castle area, a dreamy and fairy tale MermaidLake area and a passionate mysterious island area. It is a large-scale moderntheme park integrating experience, plot, entertainment and interest. It has theworld's advanced amusement equipment, the first catapult "roller coaster" inAsia, the first "vertical limit" in China, more than 100 kinds of amusementprojects, more than 10 kinds of unique and wonderful music and danceperformances in China, and the first theme expansion training camp in China Thejourney is full of adventure and excitement.

Haiquanwan resort, located in the west of Zhuhai, is another masterpiece ofHong Kong CTS International Investment Co., Ltd. (Hong Kong listing Code: 308)after Shenzhen Jinxiu Chinese folk village and window of the world. The initialinvestment is 2.2 billion yuan, covering an area of about 1 square kilometer.Taking the rare ocean hot spring as the core, it is composed of eight parts: twofive-star resort hotels, fisherman's Wharf integrating food, entertainment andperformance, high-tech modern theater, exciting mysterious island theme park,star service physical examination center, fitness club for health, and expansiontraining camp for elite team. It was fully opened on January 22, 20__.

新天地导游词英语 篇16

Shanghai Xintiandi is a city tourist attraction with the historical andcultural features of Shanghai and the integration of Chinese and Westerncultures. It is the first time to change the original residence function ofShikumen for the first time based on the old building of Shikumen, a symbol ofShanghai's modern architecture. It has been innovatively assigned its commercialfunctions to transform the old house that reflects Shanghai's history andculture into an international level of catering, shopping and performing arts.And other functions of fashion, leisure and cultural entertainment center.

On the eve of Christmas Eve, I am visiting the new world. In my heart,Shanghai can be regarded as the most romantic and petty bourgeoisie.

Xintiandi is divided into two parts: Nan Li and Bei Li. Modern buildingsare the main buildings in South Lane, and old buildings in Shikumen aresubsidiary. In the northern part of the block, the old buildings of Shikumen aremainly preserved, and the old and the new interact with each other. Nanli hasbuilt a shopping, entertainment and leisure center with a total floor area of25000 square meters, which was completed in the 20th century__ Officially openedin the middle of this year, this glass curtain wall building full of modernsense has entered into various distinctive businesses. In addition to cateringplaces from all over the world, it also includes the favorite fashion shop,fashion jewelry shop, food plaza, cinema and one-stop fitness center of greatscale, providing a diversified and unique environment for local and foreignconsumers and tourists Taste of the hot spot of leisure and entertainment.

There is a huge Christmas tree in the Nan Li square of Xintiandi. It isholding an activity of kissing the sky and the sky.

This is the old building of Xintiandi. When Shikumen lane was the largest,there were more than 9000, accounting for more than 60% of the total residentialarea in Shanghai. Simply from the perspective of architecture, Shikumen is theproduct of a specific historical period, which has a history of more than 100years. Moreover, the spatial structure of some Shikumen is not suitable for theliving concept of modern people, so it is normal for them to disappear. In theearly 1990s, Shanghai began large-scale reconstruction and development. Many oldhouses in Shikumen have been demolished and replaced by high-rise buildings oneby one. One by one, old houses full of nostalgia are gradually disappearing.Only then do people realize that they want to preserve these unique "artworks"in Shanghai.

The North Lane, which is separated from a South Road, is made up of manyancient houses in Shikumen, Shanghai Xintiandi. It combines modern architecture,decoration and equipment, and becomes a number of advanced consumption placesand restaurants. Xingye Road, the watershed between Nanli and Beili, is the siteof the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The Shikumenbuilding along the street will also become a city landscape that condenseshistory, culture and art.

Walking in the new world, as if the time is back, as if it was in Shanghaiin two and 30s of twentieth Century, but stepping into every building inside, itis very modern and fashionable. It has a unique experience of the new world. Ithas a skillful arrangement and a well proportioned arrangement of Shanghaiyesterday, tomorrow and today, so that tourists from home and abroad can enjoythe unique style of Shanghai style. It's not easy.
