

豫园游览区英语导游词 篇1

Yu Garden is a famous classical garden in the south of the Yangtze River.Yu Garden was built in the Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty. It was built by PanYunduan, a cloth governor in Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty. It has a history ofmore than 400 years. When the Shanghai knives Association uprising was held in1853, the Yu Garden spring hall was used as the North command of the rebel army.It displayed the weapons of the year's knives, coins that had been made byitself, and the cultural relics issued. After the liberation, the governmentcarried out a large-scale renovation of Yu Garden, and officially opened to thepublic in 1961.

The Jingguan hall, also known as "Qingxue hall", is the main hall of theinner garden. It is carved and painted with beams. The hall is 5 rooms wide and3 rooms deep. There are two stone lions in front of the hall, and two gildedplaques of "Jingguan" and "lingmarshi" in the hall. The name of "Jing Guan"refers to the old saying "Jing Guan everything is contented" and "moving GuanShui, Jing Guan Shan". On the opposite side of the hall, there are many peaks,such as three officials offering their birthday, white deer watching the moon,bats flying, and nine lions dribbling. It is said that when you watch itquietly, you can distinguish more than 100 animal images. There are many hundredyear old trees between the stone peaks. There is a small courtyard in the East,with a pool of water, winding corridors on both sides, shady trees blocking thesun, tall and straight bamboo, and deep environment.

Guantao tower is located in the southwest of Jingguan hall, also known as"xiaolingtai". It is a three story wooden structure with a height of more than10 Zhang. It was the highest building in the east of the city in the QingDynasty. Once upon a time, one of the "Eight Sights of Shanghai city" was"autumn waves in Huangpu".

Huanyun building and Yanqing building face the Jingguan hall. They areconnected from east to West in the form of a series of buildings, and can leadto Guantao building and chuanting hall. The plaque "Huanyun" in Huanyun buildingis inscribed by Yao Wen, a famous gentry in Shanghai in the late Qing Dynasty.Also Yun Lou was originally the Shanghai money industry public housing industry,Yu Garden and inner garden were repeatedly destroyed by war, but this buildingwas not robbed.

The pavilion stands on the rockery in the east of Guantao tower. It is adouble-layer pavilion with stone tables and benches at the bottom. Thesurrounding trees are green. Inside the pavilion, a plaque was inscribed withthe name of "Ling Mu PI Fang".

Can be seen in Jingguan Hall East, small square hall, delicate quiet,especially cool summer. In front of the hall, there is a brick carving "thepainting of Guo Ziyi's birthday", next to which is a clay dragon wall. In thenorth, there is the Phoenix Pavilion of "Dongtianfudi" and in the south, thereis "bieyoutian". On the wall, there are stone tablets such as "records ofrebuilding the inner garden", recording the history of the inner garden.

豫园游览区英语导游词 篇2

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How was your sleep last night? Great.I'm sorry for the late delivery of luggage last night. Because the luggage cartbroke down, we had to ask for another one. By the way, have you opened yourluggage? No wonder it's sunny outside. Our tour guide often says, "the guestshave brought sunshine in their bags." I thank you for that. Well, let's get backto business. I have announced the schedule for breakfast. Today we go to the oldcity of the sea, that is, the location of Yu Garden and Yu Garden shoppingmalls.

Our car is driving on the Bund. On your left is the famous Huangpu River.We'll be here later.

To save time, I would like to talk about China's gardens and Yu Gardenbefore I get to Yu Garden.

In China, gardens are divided into three categories: Royal Gardens, privategardens and temple gardens. Yu Garden belongs to private gardens. There are manyskills in Chinese garden, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on.But they are all made up of four basic factors. The four factors are water,plants, architecture and rockery. Most of the private gardens are in the southof the Yangtze River, because there are many water sources and rocks suitablefor rockery. Yu Garden was built more than 400 years ago in the Ming Dynasty.The owner of the garden, whose surname is pan, is a senior official. He builtthe garden to please his parents and let them enjoy their old age. Therefore,the word "Yu" of Yu Garden takes the meaning of Yuyue. It is a pity that hisparents could finally see the death of Yu Garden. In the late Qing Dynasty, thepan family was weak, and their descendants sold the garden to local guilds.There is another reason why Yu Garden has become a place of interest. In 1853,an uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall in the garden was used as aheadquarters. Today Yu Garden is a must. So I suggest that we don't getseparated when we get there. It's better for us to stay together, OK?

This is the parking lot. In case someone gets separated, please rememberthat the last three digits of the train number are 121. I think it's better notto do that. I will hold the little red flag, and you will all accompany Mr.Zhang to the rear of the hall. Are you ready? Let's go. Please pay attention toyour bike when you get off.

豫园游览区英语导游词 篇3

Known to the world, places of historic interest and scenic beauty arelocated in the bustling bustling old city of Shanghai on the West Bank ofHuangpu River, North Road by blessing Road, East Anren street, and Shanghai TownGod's Temple and Yu Garden shopping mall in the West. It is a world-famoussouthern Shanghai classical garden. Yu Garden is a famous classical garden inthe south of the Yangtze River. Yu Garden was built in the Ming Jiajing period.It was built by Pan Yunduan, a cloth governor in Sichuan in the Ming Dynasty. Ithas a history of more than 400 years.

As soon as I entered Yu Garden, I felt as if I was at the time of the lateMing and early Qing Dynasty. With the stream of people, I gradually walked intoa small square that could hold more than a thousand people. Standing in thesquare, there was a fan exhibition in the center, and some paintings andcalligraphy on the fan side, some of them were undulating, some were gracefuland graceful, some were soft and strong.

Looking around, the top of the 8-story Tianyu Building is Ninghui building.People stand on the painted attic to enjoy the picturesque scenery. On the frontis Huabao building. Every Spring Festival, people like to sit here to watch thepavilion. Behind them is Heye building, also known as the snack square. On theeast side of the small square is Town God's Temple, the annual "three inspectionday", that is, the days when the God of the city is on patrol. The residents inthe Shanghai city are nine rooms in the house. All the residents are at theChristmas palace of the City God (March twenty-eight). All the businessmen inShanghai and Town God's Temple, including the nearby temple, are all decoratedwith lanterns and lanterns, celebrating Christmas for the God of the city. If ithappens to be a holiday, it will form a scene of tourists gathering, pedestriansweaving and popularity.

Antithetical couplet, a Shao Huaze couplet hung on the two pillars besidethe gate along with the stream of people, and the ancient city of Town God'sTemple, the God of Pan Gongming, cast the essence of the century. Shen Cityfavours the old temple and rebuilds the glory of the century.

At this time, I was already intoxicated in the beautiful scenery.Unconsciously, I came to the Jiuqu bridge. There were a lot of people on thebridge. Under the bridge, fish were flying to the bottom. The quiet lake wascovered with green lotus leaves, like a dense emerald fan, which covered thelake tightly. On the surface of the lake, there are many colors floating, likesomeone scattering a string of pearls below. When the breeze blows slowly, theripples on the surface of the lake are as beautiful as the wrinkles of a newsatin.

The wall in the garden is winding and undulating. The top of the wall isdecorated with a dragon's head, and is made of tiles to form a Lin shape, whichsymbolizes the dragon's body. A pile of walls, like a dragon swimming, is calledthe dragon wall. In ancient China, the dragon is the symbol of feudal emperors,which can not be used for decoration on buildings. Yu Garden was built at theend of the Qing Dynasty when the dragon wall was built, and the Dragon had onlythree or four claws to avoid the suspicion of "five claw Golden Dragon".Dianchuntang was the North command post of Shanghai Xiaodaohui uprising army in1853. Yulinglong is a 4-meter-high, exquisitely carved stone standing in frontof Yuhua hall. It is said to be a relic of huashigang in Song Dynasty. The mainbuilding of Sansui is the Sansui hall. The building is spacious. It was theplace where the host held a banquet. In addition, a pair of iron lions of theYuan Dynasty, an old vine of more than 300 years old and a Ginkgo biloba of morethan 400 years old are also worth watching in the garden.

Its ancient and long history, its folk style of color and flavor makesShanghai the most famous tourist attraction in Shanghai.

豫园游览区英语导游词 篇4

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. How was your sleep last night? Great.I'm sorry for the late delivery of luggage last night. Because the luggage cartbroke down, we had to ask for another one. By the way, have you opened yourluggage? No wonder it's sunny outside. Our tour guide often says, "the guestshave brought sunshine in their bags." I thank you for that. Well, let's get backto business. I have announced the schedule for breakfast. Today we go to the oldcity of the sea, that is, the location of Yu Garden and Yu Garden shoppingmalls.

Our car is driving on the Bund. On your left is the famous Huangpu River.We'll be here later.

To save time, I would like to talk about China's gardens and Yu Gardenbefore I get to Yu Garden.

In China, gardens are divided into three categories: Royal Gardens, privategardens and temple gardens. Yu Garden belongs to private gardens. There are manyskills in Chinese garden, such as borrowing scenery, blocking scenery and so on.But they are all made up of four basic factors. The four factors are water,plants, architecture and rockery. Most of the private gardens are in the southof the Yangtze River, because there are many water sources and rocks suitablefor rockery. Yu Garden was built more than 400 years ago in the Ming Dynasty.The owner of the garden, whose surname is pan, is a senior official. He builtthe garden to please his parents and let them enjoy their old age. Therefore,the word "Yu" of Yu Garden takes the meaning of Yuyue. It is a pity that hisparents could finally see the death of Yu Garden. In the late Qing Dynasty, thepan family was weak, and their descendants sold the garden to local guilds.There is another reason why Yu Garden has become a place of interest. In 1853,an uprising broke out in Shanghai, and a hall in the garden was used as aheadquarters. Today Yu Garden is a must. So I suggest that we don't getseparated when we get there. It's better for us to stay together, OK?

This is the parking lot. In case someone gets separated, please rememberthat the last three digits of the train number are 121. I think it's better notto do that. I will hold the little red flag, and you will all accompany Mr.Zhang to the rear of the hall. Are you ready? Let's go. Please pay attention toyour bike when you get off.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the famous Jiuqu bridge. Why nine? Becauseit's the highest number of Yang. Walk on the bridge and stay for a long time.You can also enjoy the scenery from different angles. Also, it is said thatghosts can only walk in a straight line, so you don't have to worry aboutmeeting ghosts.

In the middle of the bridge, there is a pavilion, which was built in theQing Dynasty and was converted into a teahouse about 80 years ago. Old peoplelike to come here in the morning, meet friends, make a pot of tea and chat.Generally, they drink a kind of green tea called "Longjing". This teahouse isalso a popular place for foreign leaders. For example, when Queen Elizabeth IIcame to Shanghai in 1986, she also visited teahouses for tea.

Indeed, it's a pleasure to drink a pot here. Just imagine, one summer, youcome to a teahouse and sit by the window, overlooking the green pool full oflotus. There was a cool breeze in front of me. In the elegant sound of JiangnanSilk and bamboo, you bring up the purple clay pot and slowly sip a sip oflukewarm "Longjing" tea. You'll feel like a fairy.

Would you like a drink, too? Sorry, I still can't let you go. Let's make adecision after we finish Yu Garden, OK?

This is the entrance to Yu Garden. When you walk into a private garden,your sight will always be blocked by something, sometimes rockery, sometimes thewall. This is a skill of landscape architecture, which is called barrierlandscape. It doesn't let you know in a day, but let you see part of it, andthen achieve the effect of "step by step Jingyi".

This hall is called Yangshan hall. As we all know, Shanghai is located inan alluvial plain, with no mountains or forests. So this "mountain" refers tothe rockery opposite. It is 12 meters high and weighs 80 tons. It was, and is, amiracle. Because there was no cement or plaster of Paris more than 400 yearsago, people used cooked glutinous rice, alum and lime to stick the stonestogether. So far, I'm safe and sound. See the pavilion on the top of themountain? 400 years ago, it was the highest point in Shanghai. From there youcan see fishing boats and sailboats on the Huangpu River, but these can only beseen in movies today. You can only see their heads moving up. Because thecircling paths are covered by trees and stones. This is really the masterpieceof Zhang Nanyang, a great horticultural master. It is also recognized as thebest rockery in the area.

Behind the rockery, there is a dragon wall. This is a special feature ofour garden. There are five dragon walls. This way, I'll take you to a placewhere you can see another Dragon Wall clearly.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is the dragon wall I just mentioned. Dragons areactually imaginary animals. We call ourselves the descendants of the dragon. Idon't know if you have read Pearl Buck's Dragon seed. If you have seen it, thereare a lot of things here that you feel familiar with. Look at this dragon, youwill find that it is a complex of many animals. You see, its head is like a cow,its eyes are like shrimp, and its horns are like I don't think it looks like acow. We usually say that the horns are like deer, the body is like snake, thescales are like fish, and the claws are like chicken or eagle. Please tell mehow many toes you see. Three yes. But generally a dragon should have five toes.Why three? One of them is a story. Before, only the emperor and the royal familyhad dragon designs. Pan yunduan, the owner of the garden, uses a dragon as awall. He is ambitious. Somehow, when the emperor learned about it, he sentsomeone to investigate. When pan yunduan learned about it, he immediately madepeople knock off two toes. As soon as the officials arrived, the gardener said,"look, this is not a dragon, only three toes." What a smart man, or he'lldie.

You said you wanted to take a group photo. I see the dragon wall as thebackground. This is the best place. Let me take pictures for you. Don't forgetto say "cheese".

Here we can see three stones. The one in the middle is called "yulinglong".It's not jade, but it's very famous. It's called Taihu stone. Its appearance iseroded by water. It turned out to be a tribute to song Weizong. Song Weizongcollected many rare flowers and stones, which were called "huashigang". But howdid you come here? Originally, it was lost in Kyoto at that time. Many yearslater, it became a plaything for local officials and gentry. Later, he gave thestone to pan yunduan as a dowry because Pan's brother married his daughter.Yulinglong is famous for its thin, transparent, wrinkled and leaky features. Ifyou pour water from top to bottom. Its 72 holes are like a waterfall; if youburn incense below, its 72 holes are misty and beautiful. The master of thegarden used to gaze at the stone for a long time. This is also one of thefunctions of the garden. A scene makes you meditate, and the result is thecombination of emotion and night.

This is the end of the Yu Garden tour. I hope the children will love it.Finally, you have to make a choice: tea or shopping. I think it's a show ofhands. How many people want to taste tea? Ha, all of them want to go? What?Would I like to? To tell you the truth, that's just what I want. So what are wewaiting for? Let's go!
