

苏州山塘街英语导游词 篇1

Suzhou Shantang street has a long history. It was built in the Baoli periodof Tang Dynasty and has been more than 1100 years. According to legend, it wasbuilt by Bai Juyi, a great poet of Tang Dynasty. The ancient city of Suzhou is afamous water town in the south of the Yangtze River. The water ports crisscrossthe city, and the streets crisscross. Du Xunhe, a poet of the late Tang Dynasty,wrote a poem: "when you come to Gusu to see you, you will find that everyonesleeps in the river. There are few idle places in ancient palaces, and there aremany water lanes and bridges. " Among the numerous streets and alleys in Suzhou,Shantang street is second only to Guanqian Street and is known as "the firststreet in Suzhou". First, it has a history of more than 1100 years; second, ithas the most representative characteristics of Suzhou streets; third, it isrelated to many celebrities and events. Shantang Street connects changmen, aprosperous business district in Suzhou, and Huqiu town and Huqiu mountain, afamous scenic spot where flower farmers gather. Since the Tang Dynasty, Shantangstreet has been a distribution center for commodities and a gathering place forbusinessmen from the north and the south. With Bantang bridge as the boundary,it is divided into North and South sections. In the south, the market wins. Fromthe starting point of changmendushengqiao to bantangqiao, there are many shops.In the north section, the scenery is more beautiful. From bantangqiao tohuqiushanmen, the water surface is wider and wider, and there are simple housesby the river, with shade of green trees, which is quite wild.

The current Shantang street is 360 meters long from duseng bridge toGuangji Bridge, which reproduces the prosperity of Shantang. It can be called"the epitome of old Suzhou and the window of Wu Culture". There is a folk songsinging: "heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below. There are West Lakes inHangzhou and hills and ponds in Suzhou. Two good places, unlimited scenery. "There are many shops and guilds in the block. There are not only time-honoredcaizhizhai, huangtianyuan, wufangzhai and Lvyang wonton shops in Suzhou, butalso artists' studios, as well as traditional handicraft shops such asembroidery, red sandalwood carving, stone carving, jade carving and blue calico,which display the special charm of Jiangnan Water Town and Suzhou streets.

苏州山塘街英语导游词 篇2


根据民间传说,明朝刘伯温为破风水,沿山塘安放七只石狸。一些作者甚至认为“七里山塘”乃“七狸山塘”所讹,不过这种说法并无史书根据。20xx年,七里山塘重新安放七只石狸 七里山塘。这七只石狸从东到西依次是:美仁狸(山塘桥)、通贵狸(通贵桥)、文星狸(星桥)、彩云狸(彩云桥)、白公狸(普济桥)、海涌狸(望山桥)、分水狸(西山庙桥)。

苏州山塘街英语导游词 篇3

Shantang street was built in the Tang Dynasty, 820 ad_ Bai Juyi was orderedto serve as a governor in Suzhou. Soon after he took office, he went to Huqiu ina sedan chair. Seeing that the nearby river course was blocked and the waterwaywas blocked, he immediately came back to the Yamen to discuss with the relevantofficials, and decided to build a road around the mountain and build a Shantangriver. It starts from changmendusheng bridge in the East and ends at Wangshanbridge in Huqiu in the west, about 7 Li long, so it is commonly known as"qilishantang to Huqiu". The river connects with the canal at changmen. Build adike beside the river, that is, Shantang street. The excavation of ShantangRiver and the construction of Shantang Street greatly facilitated irrigation andtransportation, and this area has become a bustling market. People in Suzhou arevery grateful to Bai Juyi. After he left office, people called Shantang StreetBaigong dyke and built Baigong temple as a memorial.

Shantang Street connects changmen, a prosperous business district inSuzhou, and Huqiu town and Huqiu mountain, a famous scenic spot where flowerfarmers gather. Therefore, since the Tang Dynasty, Shantang street has been adistribution center for commodities and a gathering place for businessmen fromthe north and the south. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the QingDynasty, Xu Yang, a famous painter, created a long volume of "flourishing agebreeding map" (also known as "prosperous picture of Suzhou"), which depicts avillage, a town, a city and a street in Suzhou at that time. One of the streetpaintings is Shantang street, showing the prosperous city scene of "livinggoods, flowing clouds and flowing water, listing four signs, as bright as cloudsand brocade". In the first chapter of a dream of Red Mansions, Cao Xueqin alsocalled changmen and Shantang "the most prosperous and romantic places in theworld of mortals".

Suzhou is a water town with many rivers and bridges, and Shantang street isthe most typical of Suzhou streets. In the middle of it is the Shantang River,and Shantang street is close to the north side of the river and connected withthe street on the other side through stone bridges. There are many shops andhouses on Shantang street. Most of the houses here are along the front door andthe back door is near the river. Some of them have built special street crossingbuildings, which are really Zhulan floors and willow catkins. Shantang street isalso a typical water lane. Boats carrying jasmine, white orchid and other goodscome and go on the river, while pleasure boats and boats pass by. The houseshere have stone steps along the river, and the women wash clothes and vegetablesby the river. At that time, some peddlers were still doing business in theriver, selling rice, firewood, snacks, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar. Peoplewho live upstairs don't have to go downstairs. They can buy what you need byhanging the basket with a rope.

Shantang street can be divided into East and West sections. The eastsection starts from changmendu Seng bridge to Bantang bridge. Most of the shopsand homes are in this section, with various shops next to each other. In theeast section, Xingqiao is the most prosperous area. The west section of Shantangstreet is from Bantang bridge to Huqiu mountain. This section is approaching theoutskirts. The river is wider than the eastern section. The river is coveredwith green trees, grass, reeds and cottages. There are many scenic spots such asPuji bridge and yefangbang, as well as historical sites such as "Tomb of fivepeople" and "Tomb of Ge Xian". In order to protest Wei Zhongxian's eunuchParty's arrest of Zhou Shunchang, a member of Donglin Party, they led a riotamong the public and finally died generously. Further westward, you will arriveat Huqiu mountain, which is known as "the most beautiful scenery in Wuzhong".The mountains, pagodas and forests are more attractive.

Shantang street has always been loved by literati and celebrities in thepast dynasties, and has left many poems. Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynastywas particularly fond of Shantang street. Among his poems, nine directlymentioned Shantang street. In 1761, at the 70th birthday of the empress dowager,Qianlong specially built a Suzhou street along the Yuhe river beside the purplebamboo courtyard of Wanshou temple in Beijing, which was based on Shantangstreet. In 1792, Emperor Qianlong built a Suzhou street in the north of Wanshoumountain in Qingyi Garden (later the Summer Palace), which is also a replica ofShantang street. These two Suzhou streets were later destroyed in the war. In1986, Suzhou street was rebuilt in the summer palace, making the style ofQilishan pond reappear in Beijing.

Shantang street has always been a place where colorful folk activities areheld. Dragon boat races, temple fairs, festivals and Flower Fairs are often heldhere. Shantang street has also been written into many folklore and literaryworks, including Suzhou Tanci "Jade Dragonfly", "three smiles" and "WhiteSnake". In jade dragonfly, Jin Guisheng and young woman Ni Zhizhen met in fahuanunnery in Shantang. In Sanxiao, Tang Bohu met Qiuxiang, and the so-called"Sanxiao merciful" happened in Huqiu. Qiuxiang went down the mountain to returnto the boat, and Tang Yin hired a boat to trace him to Wuxi to sell himself as aslave. The place where he wrote "chasing the boat" was in Shantang river.

Shantang street has experienced more than 1100 years of ups and downs, andhas been renovated many times since the founding of the people's Republic ofChina. Especially in 1985, the Suzhou municipal government carried out alarge-scale renovation under the principle of maintaining the original style asfar as possible. Now we can go to Huqiu in Suzhou by car. If we can walk alongShantang street, we can enjoy the special charm of Jiangnan Water Town andSuzhou streets. At the same time, it's also a dialogue between reality andhistory. It must have a special flavor!

苏州山塘街英语导游词 篇4

The ancients said: "heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below." Thisqilishantang must be the most beautiful street in Suzhou!

From the subway station, it's like crossing back to the small bridge andflowing water, carefree once. On the uneven stone road, the secluded moss seemsto tell the story of time.

At this time, there were many tourists, but it didn't affect my mood atall. I bought two Begonia cakes at a grandfather's stall. I ate them andstrolled around. The wooden windows and simple shops on both sides made meparticularly fascinated.

Look, the pillars of this family are carved with exquisite new patterns!One, two, three There are six floors in total! I can't help thinking: whenShantang street was a small pier, how many wealthy families lived here socomfortably.

And now, it has become the "land of wealth" for Sanwu merchants. Think ofhere, I looked down at their own Begonia cake, continue to move forward with theflow of people.

I don't know how far I went, but I got on a bridge. Standing on the bridgeand looking south, against the background of the surrounding green trees, theslightly tilted Huqiu tower is more weathered and full of historicalcustoms.

When you look at the mountain pond and the river, it's very green. Thehouses and ancient trees on both sides are reflected in it. You can't help butthink of the people who used to pillow the river many years ago.

As the sun goes down, most of them begin to cook dinner. The sound of theriver Ding Dong, the sound of the kitchen, one after another, seems to be mixedwith one or two children's noises

"Look! That small door is so strange?" I don't know who called so a voice,all of a sudden my thoughts back. He stretched his neck and looked carefully.Sure enough, there was a hidden mystery on the doors on both sides of the river- a low door!

Mother said that this door was mainly used to protect children from playingand jumping into the river to swim. You know, in the 1970s and 1980s, the waterin the mountain pond river was so clear that you could see the sand and stonesat the bottom of the river.

Every morning, people living by the river don't need to go to the well tocarry water. Yes, they just need to put the bucket into the river, and the wholeday's water problem will be solved.

When I look at the low door, I can't help imagining it. It seems that thesound of "bang - Bang -" the bucket hitting the river from time to time appearsin my ear. When I'm not busy, I may hear the sound of Zhang's "Muma" and Li's"good mother-in-law" chatting in Suzhou dialect.

Haitang cake finished, my journey is over. It's time to say goodbye tothese "old buildings". Next time I come back, I hope everything is OK withyou!

苏州山塘街英语导游词 篇5

I've heard about the delicious food in Suzhou Shantang street for a longtime, but I've never tasted it. This Spring Festival, I finally have a chance totaste this delicious food which is praised by people.

After two hours' drive, we finally arrived at our destination. When Ilooked out of the car window, I suddenly thought of Suzhou sweet maltose,delicious plum cake, crisp Begonia cake I have been immersed in delicioussnacks, but I forgot that I was still in the car. Fortunately, my motherreminded me to get out of the car, so I stepped out of the door happily, but Iwas stunned by the sight in front of me. In front of me was a farmer's market.There are three big characters on it, Shantang street. My mood is like 100degrees of boiling water, but after a second it becomes minus 1 degree. I yelledto my mother, "how can Shantang street be a farmer's market?" my mother said,"don't worry, go around and have a look." I ran around the farmer's market for along time, but I still couldn't find the legendary Shantang street, so I wasdisappointed and said, "it turns out that Shantang street is a farmer's market.There's no delicious food." An old uncle next to me laughed when he heard mywords: "little girl, Shantang street is not a farmer's market. If you go 200meters to the right and then turn left, you will find Shantang street." Mom saidthanks to the old man. Then he said to me, "if something happens in the future,don't draw a conclusion in advance, or you'll make a big joke."

According to the old uncle, we found Shantang street. As soon as I steppedinto the street, there was a fragrance. I walked along the fragrance and saw ashop with three characters of plum blossom cake on its front. There was a longline in front of it. It seemed that I was pulled by a kind of magic force. Afterstanding in line for more than half an hour, I finally bought a fragrant and hotplum blossom cake. I can't wait to take a bite. It has the sweet smell of redbean paste and the refreshing fragrance of osmanthus. It's really delicious!

Then, my mother bought a box of maltose for me to eat. My mother first tooka piece of maltose and put it into my small mouth. She also ate one of them.Then she couldn't help sighing: "decades have passed, it's still the taste ofchildhood. After listening to this, I asked curiously, "Mom, did you eat maltosewhen you were a child?" my mom said with a smile, "maltose is as popular aslollipop when we were children. It's just that you can't eat it from time totime. Only on Sundays do you occasionally meet the bartender's sugar changingburden, and take the toothpaste shells, bad slippers, and all kinds of wasteproducts collected by your family to the sugar changing burden. The bartenderknocks two to three pieces of maltose of different sizes according to thequantity and quality of waste products. " After listening to my mother's words,I thought silently, "I am much happier now than when my mother was a child!"

Then, my mother and I tasted crab rice, fox yogurt, Suzhou three freshnoodles, marinated duck gizzard Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, it'sevening. We are going home soon. My mother asked me to buy some souvenirs, so Ientered a jewelry shop specializing in dough kneaders. Some lifelike clayfigurines are carefully selected and given to his cousin in his hometown, sothat he can enjoy Suzhou's exquisite handicrafts.

Suzhou's Shantang street is worthy of its reputation. I don't want totravel here.

苏州山塘街英语导游词 篇6

Shantang street is located in the northwest of the ancient city of Suzhou.It connects changmen, the first and second-class place of wealth in the world ofmortals, in the East and Huqiu, the first scenic spot in Wuzhong, in the West.The total length is 3600 meters. Therefore, it is called "qilishantang".

The second year of Tang Baoli in qilishantang (820_ Bai Juyi, a great poet,was transferred from Hangzhou to Suzhou governor. In order to facilitate thewater and land transportation in Suzhou, he built a Shantang River from Huqiu inthe west to changmen in the East. The road to the north of Shantang river iscalled "Shantang Street". Shantang River and Shantang Street are about seven Lilong, called "Qili Shantang". Since ancient times, Shantang street has beenknown as "the first street in Gusu". In 1762, Emperor Qianlong of the QingDynasty visited the south of the Yangtze River and wrote "searching for victoryin the mountain pond" in qilishantang. Today, the pavilion is still wellpreserved. Emperor Qianlong was fond of Qilishan pond. After returning toBeijing, he built Suzhou street in Houhu lake of the summer palace.

Qilishantang is the ancient golden powder land and downtown area of Suzhou(similar to the Confucius Temple in Nanjing), which is a new scenic spot fordevelopment.

Although it is difficult to duplicate the prosperity of the past, with theefforts of the government, we have finally restored a small river, severalcrescent stone bridges, and an ancient house with white walls and grey tiles onboth sides. It was evening when we arrived. Red lanterns were hung one by one inthe houses by the river. The red lanterns were reflected in the river with thefigure of the arch bridge. They were rippling gently. You could not helpsighing: This is Suzhou.

Shantang street and Shantang River have the typical features of JiangnanWater Town. Every family has the front street and the back river. Boats come andgo on the river, and there are many shops on the street. There are seven ancientbridges across the river: Shantang bridge, Tonggui bridge (also known as Ruiyunbridge), Xingqiao bridge, Caiyun bridge (also known as Bantang bridge), Pujibridge, Wangshan bridge (formerly known as Bianshan bridge) and xishanmiaobridge. There are eight ancient bridges running through the embankment: Baimubridge, maojia bridge, Tongqiao (Zeng Mingdong bridge, Sheng'an bridge), Baigongbridge, Qingshan bridge, Lushui bridge, Zuozi bridge and WanDian bridge. Thereare also eight bridges running through the other bank There are Tongshan bridge(xiaopuji bridge), Yinshan bridge, etc. Shantang bridge, Caiyun bridge, Bianshanbridge and Dongqiao bridge were built before Song Dynasty. Beside Tonggui bridgeis the mansion of Wu Yipeng, the Minister of the Ministry of officials inNanjing in Ming Dynasty. Xingqiao was once the most prosperous place forbusiness. The north and south of Xishan temple bridge are flower temple andXishan Temple respectively. The bridge is the intersection of Shantang River,dongshanbang and yefangbang. It is the place where boats gathered in those days.The garden on the east side of the bridge is fragrant with flowers. There aremany poems praising the scenery beside the bridge. For example, "consider thefragrance of flowers and plants at the end of the bridge, and the boat is drunkin the setting sun. The water beside the bridge is goose yellow, and the songgoes through the pond "The spring water in Bantang is as green as a blanket,which wins the reputation of the bridge. Outside the bridge, where the winecurtain is lightly raised, the sound of the Xiao drum of the boat painting is infull swing. "
