

无锡蠡园导游词 篇1

Dear tourists: among the tourist cities along the East China line, Wuxi isfamous for its proximity to the beautiful Taihu Lake. In this "warm and waterfilled" city, the scenery is pleasant, the humanities answer this, has attractedthe guests from all over the world. Today, let's go to enjoy the charming styleof this "Pearl of Taihu Lake".

Wuxi is located in the south of Jiangsu Province, on the shore of TaihuLake, adjacent to the Yangtze River in the north, Zhejiang and Anhui provincesin the south, Changzhou City in the West and Suzhou City in the East. It is 183km from Nanjing in the West and 128 km from Shanghai in the East. The famousBeijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, which runs through the north and south of China,meets here. Its terrain is plain, fertile land, rich products, canals andrivers, is China's famous "land of fish and rice". It has jurisdiction overXishan, Jiangyin and Yixing. The city has a total area of 4656 square kilometersand a population of about 4.26 million. With an area of 343 square kilometersand a population of about 20000, it is the second largest city in Jiangsu afterNanjing. At present, it has developed into a medium-sized city with lightindustry, textile, electronics, chemical industry, machinery and otherindustries.

Wuxi is an ancient city in the south of the Yangtze River with a history ofmore than 3000 years. According to historical records, at the end of the ShangDynasty, Taibo, the eldest son of King Zhou, and his younger brother Zhongyongcame here from Shaanxi to settle down. They built the city in Meili (Meicun areaof today's Xishan City) and built the "Gouwu" state. This was the beginning ofWuxi's construction.

Wuxi's name was first seen in the book of Han Dynasty. It is said that whenKing Ping of Zhou moved to the East (about 770 BC), tin deposits were found onthe east side of Huishan. Tin was the raw material for smelting bronzes at thattime, so the conflict between local people and foreigners lasted for hundreds ofyears. By the end of the Warring States period, tin mines were decreasing. In224 BC, Wang Jian, the general of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty, found astone tablet in Xishan, on which was engraved: there are tin soldiers, fightingin the world; Wuxi Ning, the world is clear. "Wuxi Tianxia Ning" expresses thepeople's desire for a peaceful and peaceful life, so the name of "Wuxi" has beenhanded down and become the name of the city.

Wuxi's economic development has a profound foundation. As early as the MingDynasty, weaving, ceramics, brick and other handicraft industries were verydeveloped. In the mid-19th century, Wuxi, Jiujiang, Changsha and Wuhu werecalled "China's four major rice markets". Since the beginning of this century,relying on its superior natural conditions, Wuxi has become the raw materialbase of China's national industry and a city with developed industry andcommerce, known as "little Shanghai".

The development of Wuxi's economy is related to the good climate. Wuxibelongs to the north subtropical monsoon climate zone, with mild and humidclimate, abundant rainfall and four distinct seasons. It has become a rich placein the Taihu Lake Basin. Geography and climate also provide conditions foraquaculture. There are dozens of aquatic products in Taihu Lake, especiallysilverfish and crab. In addition, Wuxi's local products: fake (Huishan clayfigurine), big (Wuxi sauce ribs), empty (Wuxi oil gluten) have become the bestgifts for relatives and friends.

Convenient transportation provides convenience for the guests to Wuxi.Aviation: Wuxi Shuofang airport has opened many routes including Beijing,Fuzhou, Foshan and Huiyang. Railway: Wuxi is located on the Beijing Shanghailine. There are more than 100 express trains stopping in Wuxi every day. Thereare direct trains to Wuxi in all major cities in China. Highway: ShanghaiNanjing Expressway passes through Wuxi, and there are tourist buses to and fromevery city in East China every day; nine national and provincial highwaysradiate to the whole country and the whole province. Waterway: from Huzhou,Zhejiang Province, you can take a cruise ship to Wuxi via Taihu Lake; fromSuzhou, Zhenjiang and Danyang, you can take a cruise ship to Wuxi via theancient canal.

Wuxi has unique tourism resources, such as Yuantouzhu, which is known as"the best place of Taihu Lake", Huishan, which is the first mountain in thesouth of the Yangtze River, Liyuan, which is named after Fan Li, Meiyuan, afamous plum blossom resort in the south of the Yangtze River, Jichang Garden,which is known as "garden in the garden". There are also new film and televisionshooting bases such as "Tang city", "Three Kingdoms city" and "water tour city"built in recent years. These landscapes enable tourists to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the Great Lakes and the magnificent historical pictures in Chineseclassic works.

Tourists: the landscape of Taihu Lake, numerous historical figures andcultural relics make Wuxi a tourist attraction integrating natural landscape andcultural landscape. Today we come to this warm and beautiful city, pleasemobilize your thinking, expand your imagination, enjoy it!

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无锡蠡园导游词 篇3





无锡蠡园导游词 篇4

Lihu lake, formerly known as Wulihu Lake, is an inner lake in the northeastof Taihu Lake. Liyuan, which stretches into Lihu lake, is an old park in Wuxi.It has the style of Jiangnan garden. It is famous for its waterscape, withnarrow and long lifts, small bridges and long corridors on the water. Peachblossom is in full bloom in March and April, and lotus blossom in June andSeptember, just like a water garden.

In the early years of the Republic of China, the eight sceneries of Qingqiwere built on the Bank of Lihu lake. From 1927 to 1936, Liyuan was built on theoriginal basis, and then expanded several times. It is said that Fan Li and XiShi retired from Taihu Lake in the spring and Autumn period, that is to say,they went boating here. Most of the buildings in the park are based on the themeof Fan Li and Xi Shi. Come here to see the love and the delicacy.

To the left of the gate of Liyuan is a group of rockeries. Don't go to therockeries first, and then go out after a tour. Take the direction of BaihuaMountain House and go south to Siji Pavilion. Four seasons Pavilion refers to apond with four pavilions on each side. Plum blossom is planted beside springPavilion, Nerium indicum is planted beside Summer Pavilion, Osmanthus fragransis planted beside Autumn Pavilion, and wintersweet is planted beside winterPavilion. There is a big lawn in the north of the four seasons Pavilion. It'svery pleasant to sit on the lawn, chat with three or four friends, or have apicnic. To the west of Siji Pavilion is a sampan wharf. You can row on the lake.The reference price of pedal boat is 25 yuan / 40 minutes, and that of hand boatis 20 yuan / 40 minutes.

Continue to walk south to the long dike on Lihu lake, which is called"South dike spring dawn". This is the best place to enjoy the flowers in spring.There are a row of weeping willows on the bank. The willow branches swing withthe wind. There are many peach trees among the willows. There are many kinds ofpeach flowers. There are different colors of peach flowers on a peach tree.There are pear flowers, cherry blossoms, blowing petals spread on the lake, likea pair of colorful tin embroidery. In the southwest corner of Chunxiao, there isa lake watching Pavilion named "yuebo Pingtiao". There is a cruise ship wharfwhere you can take a cruise ship to xishizhuang.

Xishizhuang is an artificial island built in the south of Li. Along thestone road around the island, there are many scenic spots named after Fan Li andXishi. In the Taozhu residence, Fan Li helped Gou Jian, king of Yue, defeat thestate of Wu and go into business after retiring. There is a super big abacus inthe shangsheng hall, which is very interesting. It takes two hands to pull theabacus. Xishi garden is decorated with Xishi's embroidery workshop, boudoir,study, and exhibits of tin embroidery. There are also spring and autumn stageand other attractions on the island. The island is not big. A tour around theisland takes about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

Take a boat back to Chunxiao of Nandi, and walk northeast to Qianbucorridor. This is the old building of Liyuan. It is on the Lihu lake. On oneside, there is a wall, and on the other side, there is water. There are 80hollowed out flower windows on the wall. The patterns are very beautiful. At theeast end of Qianbu corridor, there is the pavilion in the center of the lake,which is "clear, red, smoke and green". The red brick and green tile of Ningchuntower, which faces the pavilion across the water, is small and has strong colorcontrast. It is one of the landmark buildings of Liyuan. In the eastern part ofLiyuan, you can see the ferris wheel of Lihu Park in the East. With Liyuan asthe foreground and ferris wheel as the background, the photos are veryartistic.

Then go northwest to chunqiuge, which belongs to the eastern region. Thereare three floors in the pavilion, which is the high building of Liyuan. There isa teahouse on the upper floor. You can drink tea while overlooking the beautifulLihu lake. Finally, back to the rockery group, a large pile of Taihu Lake stonesformed a variety of strange peaks, all named after the word "cloud", such asyunwo, yunjiao, Chuanyun, etc. Guiyun peak is the highest, with a height of 12meters. Entering the rockery group is like entering a labyrinth. You can alsoclimb to the rockery to play.

Liyuan is close to Yuantouzhu in the West. Many tourists will arrangeYuantouzhu and Liyuan for one day tour.

无锡蠡园导游词 篇5

Wuxi Liyuan is located in Qingqi village on the West Bank of Lihu lake,2.5km southwest of Wuxi City. It is named after Lihu lake. It is said that morethan 20__ years ago in the spring and Autumn period, Fan Li, a senior officialof the state of Yue, helped the king of Yue destroy Wu, and then he took abeautiful woman Xi Shi to go boating here. Later generations named this lakeafter Fan Li in memory of him.

In 1927, Wang Yuqing of Wuxi built Liyuan on the basis of Qingqi Bajing.Liyuan covers an area of 5.2 hectares, including 2.2 hectares of water. Visitorscan visit Liyuan in three parts. That is: the rockery area in the middle, thelakeside levee and the four seasons Pavilion in the west, the promenade, thepavilion in the center of the lake and the layer wave overlapping shadow area inthe East. Sijiting district is the main scenic spot of Liyuan. This pavilion wasbuilt in 1954, which is derived from the meaning of spring, summer, autumn andwinter. It is respectively titled "Yihong", "DiCui", "zuihuang" and "Yinbai".Spring plum is planted in spring Pavilion, peach blossom bamboo is planted inSummer Pavilion, Osmanthus fragrans is planted in Autumn Pavilion, andwintersweet plum is planted in winter Pavilion. There are many flowers in thefour seasons, and the fragrance is far away.

Passing through the four seasons Pavilion, there is LiuDi on the west sideof the garden. On the southwest corner of the pavilion, there is a smallhexagonal pavilion built according to the lake, named Wanghu Pavilion. Visitorscan see Lihu lake and Shitang peaks. In the house of Wanghu Pavilion, there are12 pieces of wood, on which 60 colorful Phoenix are carved. Each Phoenix is ledby a dragon. The dragon and the Phoenix are auspicious and lifelike. In thenorth of Siji Pavilion is the famous "Qianbu corridor", which is about 300meters long. The leaky windows on the corridor wall are made of tiles. On the 89flower windows, the patterns are different, which is very negative to the charmof Jiangnan gardens. Su Shi, minanggong and Wang Yangming, writers of SongDynasty, and calligrapher of Ming Dynasty, all have stone inscriptions fortourists to enjoy.

Liyuan is the most scenic spot in Lihu Lake scenic area. When visitorsvisit the lake scenery, they all stop here to enjoy the scenery. The long willowdike, the long corridor near the water, the delicate bridge, the gorgeousPavilion, and what a picture of "overlapping waves, snow waves and smokegreen"!

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