

中学生天安门导游词英语 篇1

Tiananmen Square was first built in 1420___ In the 15th year of MingYongle, it was the main gate of the imperial city of Ming and Qing Dynasties.Its original name is Chengtian gate, which means that the emperor "carriesheaven and receives orders from heaven". After two times destroyed by fire, QingShunzhi eight years (1651) after reconstruction, renamed Tiananmen. Also knownas the "gate of the country", it is the place where major ceremonies were heldin the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Tiananmen Gate is composed of two parts: City platform and city tower. Itis 34.7 meters high, with five gates and nine towers. True to life, the roof ofthe tower is covered with resplendent glazed tiles. The hall is decorated withnine lifelike beasts, such as riding the chicken fairy and dragon, Phoenix,lion, Tianma, hippocampus, _, fish, beautiful decoration, and bullfight. In themain hall, there are carved beams and painted buildings, with 60 huge columnsarranged in order, representing the heavenly stems and earthly branches, to showthe eternal stability of the country; there are rhombic lattice doors andwindows on the north and south sides, and 17 glass palace lanterns hangingbetween the beams and columns are simple and elegant. In front of TiananmenSquare, there are Jinshui bridge, Huabiao, lion and exquisite dragon and Phoenixcarved. Tiananmen is the cream of ancient Chinese architecture, reflecting thewisdom of China's people and the quality of architectural art.

Mao Ze, October 1, 1949___ The announcement of the founding of the people'sRepublic of China in Tiananmen Square opened a new page in Chinese history. Inthe new historical period of China's social reform and opening up, Tian'anmenhas attracted guests from all over the world with its long history and profoundcultural and artistic connotation.

中学生天安门导游词英语 篇2

Dear friends: now, we come to Tiananmen Square. Let me give you a briefintroduction. Tiananmen Square is the largest city center square in the world.It is located in the center of Beijing. Tiananmen Square is rectangular, 880meters long from north to south, 500 meters wide from east to west, with a totalarea of 440000 square meters. If people stand shoulder to shoulder on thesquare, the whole square can hold 1 million people, that is to say, 1 / 13 ofthe total population of Beijing can stand here at the same time, big enough!

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the square was not so big. At that time, itwas in the shape of "t". The horizontal line of "t" was our Chang'an Streettoday, and the vertical line was the long strip area from the current nationalflag pole to the memorial hall of Chairman Mao. On both sides of this area,government organs were distributed according to the pattern of wendongwuxi.After liberation, the buildings on both sides of the original square weredemolished, thus forming the basic pattern of today's Square.

Around Tiananmen Square, there are many famous buildings. Now I'd like tomake a brief introduction clockwise. Let's start with the Great Hall of thepeople on the west side of Tiananmen Square. The Great Hall of the people islocated on the west side of Tiananmen Square. It is the place where the NationalPeople's representatives participate in politics, discuss politics, hold majormeetings and exercise sovereignty. It was built in 1959, with a maximum heightof 46.5 meters , is the tallest building in the square now. The whole hallconsists of three parts: the office building of the Standing Committee of theNational People's Congress in the south, the Great Hall of ten thousand peoplein the middle and the state banquet hall in the north. It took only 10 monthsfrom the design to the completion of the whole building, which is a miracle inthe history of Chinese architecture.

At the north end of the square is the familiar Tiananmen tower, which isthe symbol of new China. On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao solemnly declared tothe people all over the world, "the people's Republic of China is founded! TheChinese people stand up from now on!"

On the east side of the square stands the Museum of Chinese history and theMuseum of Chinese revolution, which was completed in 1959. It is the main placefor collecting and displaying ancient and modern Chinese historical relics andrevolutionary relics.

To the south of the monument to the people's Heroes is the Chairman MaoMemorial Hall. There used to be a gate there. It was called Daming gate in theMing Dynasty and Daqing gate in the Qing Dynasty. It was changed to ZhonghuaGate in the Republic of China and was demolished after liberation. AfterChairman Mao died in 1976, a solemn and solemn Chairman Mao Memorial Hall wasbuilt on its base. The memorial hall was built in 1977 to commemorate the greatleader Chairman Mao. Now Chairman Mao's body is safely lying in the crystalcoffin for people to hang on, look forward to and express their deeprespect.

In the middle of the square stands the monument to the people's heroes,China's first monument. It is built to commemorate the people's heroes who haveshed their heads and blood for the independence and freedom of the Chinesenation since the Opium War in 1840 and the founding of the people's Republic ofChina in 1949. The whole monument, 37.94 meters high, is located on adouble-layer base, surrounded by eight white marble reliefs, reflecting China'snearly 100 years of revolutionary history. On the back of the monument areinscriptions drafted by Chairman Mao and written by Premier Zhou. On the frontare eight gold-plated characters inscribed by Chairman Mao himself: "thepeople's heroes are immortal.".

Tiananmen Square is a witness of modern Chinese revolution. The May 4thmovement, the March 18th massacre and the December 9th massacre all took placehere. Tiananmen Square is also a witness to the birth of new China and the happylife of the people today. Now, it has been rated as "China's first scenery" bythe people all over the country. Every day, friends from home and abroad come tovisit it.

OK! No more! You must want to take some pictures here. Now, please takepictures freely. We will gather at the North flag pole in 10 minutes. Thankyou!

中学生天安门导游词英语 篇3

Tiananmen Square is located in the center of Beijing and on the centralaxis of the city. It is 880 meters long from north to South and 500 meters widefrom east to west. It covers an area of 440000 square meters and can accommodate1 million people to hold a grand gathering. It is the largest city center squarein the world.

After the revolution of 1911, Tiananmen Square was opened to the outsideworld. Because it is located in the center of the city, it has become a placefor mass meetings, speeches and processions. 1920___ The May 4th Movement in1935, the December 9th student movement in 1935, and the anti hunger and anticivil war demonstrations in 1947 all took place in Tiananmen Square.

Mao Ze, October 1, 1949___ The founding of the people's Republic of Chinawas announced on Tiananmen Square, and the first five-star red flag of new Chinawas personally raised. 300000 people in the capital participated in the grandceremony.

In the north of Tiananmen Square, there is a main street running throughthe East and west of Beijing - Chang'an Street; the five-star red flag is flyinghigh along the north edge of the square; the monument to the people's Heroesstands in the center of the square; Chairman Mao's memorial hall is located inthe South of the monument, where the former Daming gate, Daqing gate andZhonghua Gate are located; Zhengyangmen tower and Jianlou tower are thebuildings at the south end of the square; the Great Hall of the people islocated in the west side of the square; The National Museum of China is locatedon the east side of the square.

First of all, let me introduce Chang'an Street. Chang'an Street in the Mingand Qing Dynasties was divided into two sections. The East Chang'an Street wasfrom the left gate of Chang'an to Dongdan pailou, and the West Chang'an Streetwas from the right gate of Chang'an to Xidan pailou, with a total length ofabout 10 Li, commonly known as "10 Li Long Street". In 1966, Chang'an Street wastransformed into an important traffic road across the East and west of Beijing.Today's Chang'an Street starts from Tongzhou District in the East and ends atShijingshan District in the west, with an average width of 70 meters and amaximum width of 100 meters. With a total length of 92 Li, it is known as"hundred Li Long Street".

After Chang'an Street, you can get to the north side of the square. Thefirst thing we see is the flag and flagpole. The designer of the national flagis Mr. Zeng Liansong. In 1991, China promulgated the national flag law. In orderto meet the requirements of the new ceremony of raising and lowering thenational flag, the original flagpole base and flagpole were reformed. Thereconstructed flagpole base covers an area of 36 square meters, surrounded bywhite marble railings and 2-meter-wide steps. The outer ring of the base ispaved with ochre red granite more than 2 meters wide, and the outermost layer isa green belt 5 meters wide. The guardrail outside the green belt is composed of56 golden copper isolation piers, symbolizing the unity of 56 nationalitiesunder the national flag. The new flagpole is made of seamless steel tube, 32.6meters high, assembled in 4 sections, weighing 7 tons. After special treatment,it can reach 20 meters___ No rust in years.

In addition, the "National Flag Law" stipulates that the flag raisingceremony is divided into two kinds: Festival flag raising and weekday flagraising. The flag raising and lowering ceremony will be held every nationalimportant celebration or on the 1st of every month. At that time, 36 officersand soldiers of the national flag guard of the Chinese people's Armed PoliceForce and 60 members of the military band will form a guard of honor, and themilitary band will play the National Anthem live. During the flag raisingceremony, only 36 officers and soldiers of the national flag guard performed thetask of guard of honor, and the national anthem was recorded during theceremony. The rising and falling time of the national flag is determinedaccording to the time of sunrise and sunset every day. The whole process is 2minutes and 7 seconds.

The monument to the people's Heroes is located in the center of the square.On September 30, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese people'sPolitical Consultative Conference adopted a resolution to erect the monument tothe people's Heroes in Tiananmen Square. That afternoon, Mao Ze___ He led allCPPCC members to hold a grand foundation laying ceremony in Tiananmen Square.More than a year later, Liang Sicheng's design scheme was determined as the mainone, and various opinions were solicited to form today's model. Constructionstarted in 1952 and the opening ceremony was held on May 1, 1958.

The monument to the people's heroes we see today is built on a two-storyplatform, 38 meters high. The top of the monument is regulated by the ceiling.The core of the monument weighs more than 60 tons. The body of the monument ismade of 413 pieces of granite. The whole building uses more than 17000 pieces ofgranite and white marble. The front of the monument is made by Mao Ze___ "Thepeople's heroes will never die" was inscribed. The inscription on the back iswritten by Mao Ze___ The content of the inscription is: "the people's heroes whodied in the people's Liberation War and the people's revolution in the pastthree years are immortal! The people's heroes who died in the people'sLiberation War and the people's revolution in the past 30 years are immortal! Itcan be traced back to 1840 years. Since then, in order to fight against theinternal and external enemies and strive for national independence and people'sfreedom." The people's heroes who died in all previous struggles are immortal!"Below the body of the tablet is a small pedestal. Three wreaths are carved inthe north and south directions of the pedestal, one in the East and one in theWest. There are eight wreaths on all sides. The wreaths are composed of peony,lotus, Lily and chrysanthemum. The 10 tablets of the marble carving aresurrounded by the stone tablets under the small tablet. The contents are in thefollowing order: "Humen destructed opium", "Jintian uprising", "Wuchanguprising", "54 movements", "May 30 Movement", "Nanchang uprising", "AntiJapanese War", and "victory crossing the river." There are two decorativereliefs on both sides of "crossing the river in victory", which are "supportingthe front line" and "welcoming the people's Liberation Army". All the reliefshave 180 tasks, summarizing my revolutionary history of more than 100 years. Themonument to the people's Heroes is the first large memorial building in NewChina.

Chairman Mao Memorial Hall is located on the south side of the monument. Agold plaque inscribed "Chairman Mao Memorial Hall" by Hua Guofeng is hung on thedoor. The whole project of Chairman Mao Memorial Hall took only six months, andwas completed on September 9, 1977 in MAOZe___ It was officially opened to theoutside world on the anniversary of his death. The first floor of the memorialhall is divided into three parts. The North Hall is the place wherecommemorative activities are held. In the center of the North Hall is ChairmanMao's white jade sitting statue, behind which is a giant picture of themountains and rivers of the motherland embroidered with velvet. In the center ofthe hall is Chairman Mao's crystal coffin. The crystal coffin is placed on ablack granite coffin bed. In the crystal coffin is Chairman Mao's body coveredwith the flag of the Communist Party of China. Chairman Mao's poem "man JiangHong and Comrade Guo Moruo" is engraved on the north wall of the South Hall.There are two groups of group sculptures outside the north gate and South Gateof the memorial hall. There are 62 figures in the four groups, which are jointlycompleted by more than 100 sculptors from 18 provinces in China.

On the west side of the square is the Great Hall of the people, which wasbuilt to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republicof China. It was one of the top ten buildings in the 1950s. The Great Hall ofthe people is the tallest building in Tiananmen Square with the shape of"mountain" and the highest point in the center of 46.5 meters. Its constructionarea exceeds that of the Forbidden City. There are 134 pillars around the hall,including 12 pillars at the east main entrance, each of which is 25m high and 2min diameter. All are inlaid with natural marble. The national emblem on theforehead is 4 meters in diameter and weighs 2 tons. The Great Hall of the peopleis mainly divided into three parts: in the south is the office area of theNational People's Congress; in the middle is the auditorium of ten thousandpeople's Congress, which can hold ten thousand people to hold meetings; in thenorth is the banquet hall, which can hold five thousand people's banquet and tenthousand people's reception. It is the largest banquet hall in China.

To the east of the square is the National Museum of China. 20___ It wasofficially established on February 28, 20__, and the name of the library is___Comrade's inscription is one of the top ten buildings in the 1950s. In thesouthern part of the National Museum is the Museum of Chinese history, in whichthe basic display is "general history of China", starting from the Yuanmoupeople 1.7 million years ago until the fall of the Qing Dynasty; in the northernpart is the Museum of Chinese revolution, which collects modern and contemporarycultural relics since the Opium War in 1840. Among them, the memorial to LinZexu's destructed opium of Humen, the imperial edict of Emperor Xuan of the QingDynasty, the first five-star red flag that was raised when the founding ceremonywas held.

中学生天安门导游词英语 篇4

Tiananmen tower is located at the north end of Tiananmen Square in Beijing.It is the dividing point of Beijing's east city, West City, Chongwen and Xuanwu,and faces Chang'an Street. Tiananmen tower is one of the most magnificent towersin ancient China, which has great political significance.

Opposite Tiananmen Square, the monument to the people's heroes, ChairmanMao's memorial hall, the Great Hall of the people and the National Museum ofChina.

Mao Ze, October 1, 1949___ Here solemnly declares: "the people's Republicof China is founded", and personally raises the first five-star red flag. Thedesign of Tiananmen tower appears in the national emblem of the people'sRepublic of China and becomes the symbol of the people's Republic of China.

Tiananmen tower is composed of two parts: the platform and the tower. Thereis a white marble xumizuo with a total height of 34.7 meters. There are 60vermilion columns on the tower, and the ground is paved with gold bricks, whichis as flat as a stone. On the tall and colorful wall platform, there are twodouble eaves buildings, yellow glazed tiles, nine East-West rooms, fivenorth-south rooms, which symbolize the imperial power___ "The respect of theworld". The north and south sides of Tiananmen tower are both rhombic latticedoors; the traditional Golden Dragon painting and auspicious patterns are carvedon the ceiling, door arch and beam; the "Double Dragon Seal" colored brocadewith gold, and the ceiling caisson with tuanlong pattern make the whole hallsolemn, majestic and resplendent. Under the platform of the city, there are fivegates with the largest gate in the middle, which is located on the central axisof the imperial city of Beijing. In the past, only the emperor could get in andout from this gate.
